i meant actual tea

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At dinner, the atmosphere in the dining hall was thick with tension. Mal and Ben, seated across from each other, exchanged glances filled with awkwardness rather than the usual affection. The silence between them was palpable, and even the clinking of silverware seemed loud in the heavy quiet.

Belle, ever perceptive, noticed the strained atmosphere. Determined to break the ice, she decided to intervene. "So, Mal, Ben," she began with a warm smile, "why don't you two tell us about your day?"

Mal and Ben both shifted uncomfortably in their seats, avoiding each other's gaze. Ben cleared his throat, trying to muster a casual tone. "Uh, well, the council meeting was... interesting," he said, glancing briefly at Mal.

Mal nodded, her expression neutral. "Yeah, lots to think about," she added quietly.

Belle, undeterred, pressed on. "It sounds like you both have a lot on your minds. Maybe it would help to talk things through. Communication is key, after all."

Ben sighed, glancing at his mother before finally turning to Mal. "She's right. We should talk."

Mal looked up, meeting Ben's eyes for the first time that evening. "Yeah, we should," she agreed, her voice soft but firm.

Belle smiled encouragingly. "That's the spirit. You two have faced so much together already. This is just another challenge to overcome."

Mal and Ben exchanged a more meaningful look, the awkwardness beginning to dissipate slightly. They both knew Belle was right. It was time to put aside their pride and address the issues head-on.

As dinner continued, the conversation gradually became more relaxed. Belle's gentle nudging had done its job, and by the end of the meal, Mal and Ben were speaking more openly, the tension between them easing.

As they entered their room, Mal took a deep breath, ready to say something. "Ben, I—"

"Are we going to talk about making them or just make them?" Ben asked, sitting down on the bed with his head in his hands. Mal sat beside him, looking at her own hands as they lay in her lap."I don't know, I just...I want to be pregnant right now," she said softly. She looked up at Ben and he saw how sad she was. He stood up and walked over to her. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug. She rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of his body."let's make them?" ben asked her and she nodded with a smile on her face. They both laid back on the bed and started to make love. Ben kissed her neck and then moved lower, kissing her collarbone and stomach. Mal moaned softly as he did this. She ran her fingers through his hair and then grabbed onto his shoulders as he began to kiss her breasts.He sucked on one nipple while he rubbed the other with his thumb. Mal gasped as he continued to suckle her breasts. He stopped sucking and looked up at her. "Do you like that?" He asked her and she nodded, "yes, I do."Ben smiled and leaned down to kiss her again. He pushed himself inside of her and began thrusting slowly at first before speeding up his movements. Mal cried out in pleasure as he fucked her hard and fast.After what felt like hours of fucking, Ben finally came inside of Mal. Both of them were exhausted and sweaty but still smiling at each other. They fell asleep holding hands. The next morning, Ben woke up early and went downstairs to get some espresso for the two of them. When he returned upstairs, he found Mal sleeping soundly on the couch. He smiled and sat down next to her. He gently shook her shoulder until she woke up. "Good morning, sleepyhead," he whispered in her ear. Mal opened her eyes and smiled at him. "Morning," she replied groggily. Ben handed her a cup of espresso and she took a sip of it.

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