father's day

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Three months later, Mal stood in front of the mirror, her hands gently resting on her slightly rounded belly. She couldn't contain her excitement any longer—Father's Day was the perfect occasion to share the joyous news with Ben. She had spent weeks planning the perfect way to surprise him.

The day began with a warm, family-oriented morning spent with Belle, Beast, and Hades. They all gathered for a lavish breakfast in the grand dining hall of the castle. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and stories, as they reminisced about old times and discussed future plans.

Belle and Beast beamed with pride as they looked at their son and his wife. Hades, with his characteristic dry humor, added a touch of wit to the conversation. Despite his rough exterior, he had a soft spot for Mal and Ben, and it showed.

In the afternoon, Mal and Ben met up with their friends. Evie, Jay, Carlos, Lonnie, and the rest of the gang gathered in the palace gardens for a relaxed picnic. They played games, shared stories, and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Mal couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and gratitude for the incredible friends they had by their side.

As the sun set and the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Mal knew it was time. She had prepared everything meticulously. After saying their goodbyes to their friends, Mal led Ben to a quiet, secluded spot in the garden that was beautifully lit with fairy lights.

"Mal, what's going on?" Ben asked, curiosity and anticipation evident in his voice.

Mal took a deep breath, her heart pounding with excitement. She handed him a small, beautifully wrapped box. "Open it," she said, her eyes shining with love.

Ben carefully unwrapped the box, revealing a tiny pair of baby shoes inside. His eyes widened in shock, and he looked up at Mal, who was smiling through her own tears of happiness.

"Mal... Are we...?" Ben's voice cracked as he spoke.

"Yes, Ben. We're going to be parents," Mal confirmed, her voice filled with joy.

Ben's eyes filled with tears, and he pulled Mal into a tight embrace, unable to hold back his emotions. "I can't believe it," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "After everything, we're finally going to have a baby."

Mal held him close, her heart swelling with love. "Happy Father's Day, Ben."

They stayed like that for a while, wrapped in each other's arms, both overwhelmed with happiness. Ben couldn't stop the tears from flowing, and Mal felt her own eyes growing misty.

"I love you so much, Mal," Ben said, pulling back to look into her eyes. "And I promise to be the best father I can be."

"I know you will be," Mal replied, kissing him gently. "And I love you too, more than words can say."

That night, as they lay in bed, Ben couldn't stop talking about all the plans he had for their future child.

The next morning, Mal and Ben woke up with a shared sense of excitement and a hint of nervousness. They had decided to surprise Belle and Beast with the news of Mal's pregnancy in a unique and memorable way. The grand dining hall was already set for breakfast, with the sun streaming in through the large windows, casting a warm glow over the room.

As they entered, Belle greeted them with a warm smile. "Good morning, you two! Did you sleep well?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with maternal warmth.

"Good morning, Mom. Yes, we did," Ben replied, exchanging a knowing glance with Mal as they took their seats.

Beast joined them, and the family settled into their usual breakfast routine. The table was laden with an array of delicious foods, from fresh fruits to pastries and omelets.

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