a lot of thinking

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Just as Mal felt her strength waning and the edges of her vision blurring, a familiar voice called down from above

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Just as Mal felt her strength waning and the edges of her vision blurring, a familiar voice called down from above.

"Mal! Ben! Hold on, it's me, Evie!"

Mal's head snapped up, her vision clearing just enough to see Evie's silhouette against the moonlit sky.

"It's Evie!" Mal gasped, relief washing over her. "She threw the rope!"

Evie's voice was urgent but soothing. "Hang in there, guys. I've got Jay and Carlos with me. We're going to pull you out."

Ben tightened his grip on the rope and gave Mal a reassuring look. "We're going to be okay. Just hold on."

With Evie, Jay, and Carlos working together, the rope began to move steadily upwards. Ben wrapped one arm around Mal, helping to support her as they were lifted out of the pit. It was a slow and arduous process, but eventually, they emerged from the sand pit, exhausted but safe.

Evie immediately rushed to Mal's side, her face a mix of concern and relief. "Are you alright? What happened?"

Mal, still catching her breath, managed a weak smile. "We're fine, thanks to you. We fell into a trap. We think Uliana might be behind it."

Carlos looked around nervously. "We need to get out of here before anything else happens. Who knows what other traps she might have set up."

Jay nodded in agreement. "Let's move. We can regroup and figure out our next steps."

As they regrouped in a safer part of the harbor, Evie, Jay, and Carlos listened intently as Mal and Ben recounted their encounter with the intruder and the clues about Uliana's whereabouts.

Jay crossed his arms, looking thoughtful. "So Uliana's likely hiding out at the sea. That means the Isle of the Lost, right?"

"We need to call it a day. We've been through enough, and we need to regroup."

Carlos raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "Calling it a day already, Mal? I didn't take you for a quitter."

Mal's eyes flared with anger. "A quitter? Really, Carlos? We've been fighting nonstop, and I just fell into a sand pit. We need rest if we're going to be any good in this fight."

Carlos shrugged, still unconvinced. "Resting won't stop Uliana. She's out there right now, planning her next move."

Evie stepped in, placing a calming hand on Mal's shoulder. "Carlos, she's right. We're all exhausted, and it's dangerous to keep going like this. We need to be at our best to deal with whatever Uliana throws at us next."

Ben nodded in agreement, his voice firm. "We'll be no good to anyone if we push ourselves to the breaking point. We rest now, and tomorrow we come back stronger."

Carlos looked around at the determined faces of his friends and sighed. "Alright, alright. But we're hitting it hard first thing in the morning."

Mal's anger softened slightly, and she gave Carlos a nod. "Deal. Let's get out of here and find somewhere safe for the night."

As they made their way back to the castle, the tension began to ease.

As Mal and Ben entered their room, the weight of the day's events seemed to press down on them. Ben headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth, hoping to clear his mind and relax a bit before bed. He was lost in thought when Mal walked in and wrapped her arms around him from behind, holding him tightly.

Ben paused, sensing that something was wrong. He turned his head slightly to look at her. "Mal? What's going on?"

Mal didn't respond immediately, instead burying her face into his back. The silence stretched on, heavy and filled with unspoken fears. Ben gently turned around, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Talk to me," he said softly, concern etched on his face.

Mal looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Ben, I just... I feel like we're losing control. Everything is happening so fast. Uliana, the artifacts, the danger... and now our baby."

Ben pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her in a protective embrace. "I know, Mal. But we're in this together. We'll figure it out, one step at a time. You're not alone."

Mal nodded, her head resting against his chest. "I just want to make sure we're doing everything we can to keep our family safe."

"We are," Ben reassured her, kissing the top of her head. "And we'll keep fighting. But for now, let's get some rest. We'll need all our strength for tomorrow."

Mal took a deep breath, drawing comfort from Ben's presence. "Okay," she whispered.

The next day during breakfast, the atmosphere was a mix of quiet tension and the comforting routine of morning rituals. Ben and Mal were seated at the long dining table, sipping their tea and nibbling on toast, trying to gather their thoughts for the day ahead.

Suddenly, the door to the dining hall opened, and Lumiere entered with an urgent expression. "Your Majesty, there has been a lead on the case," he announced.

Ben immediately put down his cup and leaned forward. "What is it, Lumiere?"

Lumiere cleared his throat, clearly understanding the gravity of the situation. "Our sources have informed us that Uliana has been spotted near the Enchanted Forest. She was seen conversing with some known associates from the Isle."

Mal's eyes widened. "The Enchanted Forest? That's a bold move. What could she be planning there?"

"We're not entirely sure yet," Lumiere admitted. "But it seems she might be gathering forces or trying to tap into some ancient magic that resides in the forest."

Ben glanced at Mal, seeing the concern in her eyes. "We need to act fast," he said. "Gather a team. We need to move out as soon as possible."

Lumiere nodded. "I'll make the arrangements immediately."

As Lumiere left the dining hall to prepare for their departure, Mal reached across the table and took Ben's hand.

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