things get ugly way to quick

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The next morning, Mal woke up early, feeling the weight of yesterday's discussions pressing heavily on her shoulders

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The next morning, Mal woke up early, feeling the weight of yesterday's discussions pressing heavily on her shoulders. She turned to see Ben still asleep beside her, looking peaceful and relaxed. She leaned in and kissed him on the lips passionately, needing his warmth and comfort.

Ben stirred, a sleepy smile spreading across his face as he opened his eyes. "Well, good morning to you too," he teased, his voice still thick with sleep. "What's the occasion?"

Mal managed a small smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Just felt like giving my king a proper wake-up call."

Ben's smile faded slightly as he noticed the tension in her expression. "Hey, what's wrong? You seem more stressed than yesterday."

Mal sighed, the weight of her responsibilities making her feel heavier. "It's just... everything. The meeting today, the pressure to have an heir, the future of Auradon. It's all so overwhelming."

Ben sat up, pulling her into his arms. "I know it's a lot, Mal. But we're in this together, remember? You don't have to carry this burden alone."

Mal leaned into him, drawing strength from his embrace. "I know, but I can't help feeling the pressure. Everyone is counting on us."

Ben kissed her forehead gently. "We'll take it one step at a time. We'll get through this meeting today, and we'll figure things out together. You are not alone in this."

Mal nodded, feeling slightly reassured. "Thank you, Ben. I don't know what I'd do without you."

He smiled softly, his eyes filled with love. "You don't have to find out. Now, let's get ready for the day. We've got this."

As they got ready, Mal chose a simple but elegant dress for her first, and possibly her last, council meeting. She wanted to look respectable and composed, despite the turmoil she felt inside. Ben admired her choice, appreciating her effort to present herself with dignity.

"Ready?" Ben asked, adjusting his tie as they prepared to leave their room.

Mal nodded, taking a deep breath. "Ready as I'll ever be."

As they stepped out of their room, Ben turned to her. "Let's grab some breakfast before we go. We need our energy for the meeting."

Mal shook her head. "I can't eat right now, Ben. My stomach's in knots. I'll be fine."

Ben frowned, concern etched on his face. "Mal, you need to eat something. Skipping meals isn't going to help."

She gave him a reassuring smile, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'll be okay. Let's just get this over with."

Ben sighed but didn't push further. He knew when Mal set her mind on something, it was hard to change it. "Alright. But promise me you'll eat something later."

"I promise," Mal said, squeezing his hand as they walked down the hallway towards the council chamber.

As they approached the grand doors, Mal felt a surge of nerves but held her head high, determined to face the council with as much grace and confidence as she could muster. Ben squeezed her hand gently, offering silent support as they prepared to enter and face the council

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