dressed to go

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The next day, as Ben was sipping his morning coffee, his phone buzzed with an incoming call from Carlos

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The next day, as Ben was sipping his morning coffee, his phone buzzed with an incoming call from Carlos. Ben answered with a cheerful greeting, "Hey Carlos, what's up?"

"Hey Ben! I was thinking it's been a while since the whole gang got together, so I planned a reunion for us at a fancy restaurant tonight. It'll be great to catch up!"

Ben smiled at the thought but glanced over at Mal, who still looked tired from the previous night's ball. "That sounds awesome, Carlos, but I'm not sure if Mal is up for it. She's pretty exhausted from last night."

Carlos's voice took on a pleading tone. "Come on, Ben. The whole friend group is going. It wouldn't be the same without the king and queen. We need you guys there!"

Ben covered the phone with his hand and leaned over to Mal. "Carlos is planning a reunion tonight. He really wants us to come. What do you think?"

Mal sighed, rubbing her eyes. "I'm really tired, Ben. But if it means a lot to them, I guess we should go."

Ben squeezed her hand, appreciating her willingness to join despite her fatigue. "Alright, Carlos, we're in. What time?"

"Great! I'll text you the details. See you tonight!"

After hanging up, Ben looked at Mal with a reassuring smile. "We'll make it a short night if you're too tired, okay? Just enough to see everyone and catch up."

Mal nodded, appreciating his consideration. "Alright. Let's get ready for tonight then."

It was night time when Mal and Ben arrived at the fancy restaurant. The warm, ambient lights and elegant decor set the perfect scene for a reunion. As they entered, they were greeted by their friends—Evie, Jay, Doug, Lonnie, Audrey, and Jane—who were already gathered around a large, beautifully set table.

"Hey, you two! Over here!" Evie called out with a wave, her smile bright and welcoming.

Ben and Mal joined the group, exchanging hugs and pleasantries with everyone. As they all settled in, the atmosphere was filled with laughter and the familiar comfort of old friendships.

As they began to eat, Lonnie brought up a topic that had been on her mind. "You know, I've been seeing you guys everywhere lately," she said, looking at Mal and Ben. "Papers, online articles, social media... I thought you two were always lowkey."

Mal chuckled, glancing at Ben before responding. "We try to be. But being the king and queen, it's hard to stay out of the spotlight sometimes."

Ben nodded in agreement. "Yeah, the media can be relentless. But we're managing as best as we can. Nights like these, with all of you, help keep us grounded."

Evie chimed in, a playful grin on her face. "Well, you two do make quite the power couple. It's no wonder everyone wants a piece of the action."

Jay leaned back in his chair, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Just don't forget the little people when you're ruling the kingdom, alright?"

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