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Charlie Lynch

I fiddled with the fringe bits of my kimono, also tapping my feet.

"You're going to make a hole in the car" Ross touched my knee. "You'll be fine, I promise"

"I feel sick. I'm so scared of what people will say or react to me" I freaked out. "No, no. I want to go home"

"Kinda late now, we're here" he turned into a fancy condo, each house bigger than the other. We drove up a slight hill and found Zack's new house, cars filling up the streets. I looked at Ross panicked. "Just stick with me if it makes you comfortable, and you'll be fine, yeah? And you look stunning"

"That's the 5th time you say that"

"Just so you don't forget" he winked and I kissed his cheek. "Let's do this"

We got out of the car and Ross gave me the present to hold whilst he knocked. As we awaited for somebody to answer the door, he pinched my side and I squealed.

I was mid-squeal when Piper opened the door. "It's the power couple! So glad you could make it!"

The happiness on her face was contagious, especially when I gave her a hug.

"The present we have is totally Ross' idea, my present is coming in the mail" I winked and she looked at Ross who smiled innocently.

"You'll love it" he teased. "Where is everybody?"

Their garden was decorated with fairy lights and a buffet table. There were also tables scattered around for whoever wanted to sit. I found Rydel and Stormie and sat with them along with Piper.

"How have you been, lovely?" Stormie smiled sympathetically. She then got quieter. "You've lost shed loads of weight"

"It was tough but, we're getting there. And, more on that topic later" I said politely and she nodded, squeezing my hand kindly.

Ross then appeared out of nowhere between us. "Hi mom!"

"Hi lovely!" She exclaimed. "How are you?"

"Doing okay" he shrugged and then turned to me. "You know you love me"


"Can I drink and you drive?" He gave me puppy eyes and I almost melted.

"Sure, I don't plan on drinking today"

"Love you!" He called after kissing my cheek and taking the first shot Riker handed him. They all then whooped collectively as he took another one.

I shook my head, amused at my husband's frat-boy behaviour and got up, looking for more familiar faces. I noticed a guy typing on his phone nervously, so I approached him.

"Are you okay, sir?"

He looked up and did a double take. "You! You're perfect"


"M-My friend is releasing a prom dress line and he needs a model!" He exclaimed. "You!"

"I'm not tall enough to be a-"

"Forget the height, you're gorgeous already" he grabbed my hand, writing a name and number with a Sharpie. "Call this number tomorrow and say that Spencer directed you to him"

"I-okay" I backed away slowly and crashed into my husband.

"Who's that?" He asked.

"He wants me to model for prom dresses for his friend" I shrugged and put my arms around him. "Are you having a good time?"

"Mad time. You?"

"Better than I expected" I grinned and kissed him. "Shall we dance?"

"We better" he grabbed my hand gently and lead me to the crowd of people who were now dancing to Guns 'n Roses and for the first time in weeks, I forgot all doubts and worries and just lived for the moment.

Promised To Love // r.s.l.♡ Where stories live. Discover now