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"How are you feeling?"

"Meh" I held my coffee cup in my hands. "Pretty damn useless. Ross is back to work today and I have a week still until I'm back at the magazine"

My life took a turn for the best when GQ took me back a few months ago, me now being Chief Editor of a magazine even my husband reads. I left Vogue due to the pressure of moving to New York and I wasn't ready for that yet.

Jenny nodded and took a sip. My little sister is all grown up, starting college in a few weeks. She ditched the whole tomboy look and settled for a hipster/bad girl look which suited her immensely. She also broke up with douchebag Daniel for rather nice Peter.

I'm also returning to school, but online. I decided to study architectural design because it just looks freaking amazing and it may actually occupy the rest of my time.

"What are you going to do now?" She asked.

"Well, it's coming up to 6 so Ross is probably on his way home so I'll probably go grocery shopping then head home" I smiled as she stood to give me a hug. With her boots on, she was a good two inches taller than me so I gave her a playful glare. "See you later!"

She gave me a wave and two middle fingers, our usual salute. I then returned to the car with my coffee cup and placed it in the holder to check my phone.

From : Ross💕

hi beautiful! where are you? 😊

To: Ross💕

Went to see Jenny but just going to do some grocery shopping then shall be home 💖

From : Ross💖

Okay princess ☺️

I smiled at our text exchange then dropped my phone on the passenger seat, turning into the road.


I whistled my way back inside, dancing with the grocery bag in my arms to "The Take Over, The Break's Over" by my favourite band ever (Fall Out Boy for y'all musical peeps). My husband greeted me, also with a smile.

"Hi babe!" I exclaimed as I dropped the grocery bag on the counter and reaching up to kiss him. He leaned down an extra inch and our lips finally met. "How are you?"

"I'm okay, you seem cheery" he smiled and pinched my cheeks. "Good day?"

"My sister always gets me a pumped mood" I grinned. "I got you your yoghurt"

"This is why you're mine" he hugged me and kissed me again. "But I have news. I'll be working at The Shard for a week"

"That's awesome" I smiled. "But Ross, baby..?"

"Yes, solution to all my problems?" His arms looped around me as I melted at the new pet name.

"Isn't The Shard in London?"


"You're not leaving me right"


"I'm going with you aren't I"

"You bet your ass is coming with me" he kissed my lips again. "I'm going to take a shower, yeah? Or do you need help with dinner?"

"We can order pizza and have a movie night if you want"

He kissed my forehead after a little celebration. "You're the best"


I sat down on the bed, completing my order and sliding off my heels. Quickly, I changed into one of Ross' shirts and over-the-knee socks. Not long after, Lilly walked in followed by her owner. "Someone looks exceptionally hot"

"Why thank you" I smiled as he walked over and found a spot to lay down (in the massive massive bed we share) right on my chest, causing me to have his damp hair on my face. "Dude your hair is so long now?"

"I prefer it like this, I can do my sassy hair flicks" he smiled and looked up. "What did you get up to today?"

"Dropped by Gail's house, did some school work, met Jenny and went grocery shopping. I want to get back to work though"

He frowned. "You gave birth less than two weeks ago. You should be laying in bed and making me bring you food"

"Ross, I'm fine, thank you for worrying. But now that, well...I need to occupy myself" I reasoned with him. "Take my mind off..things. Especially the fact my bosom feels like it's on fire"

"I understand, love. And nobody says bosom, just say tits"

"I'm not a frat boy"

"True that" he laughed and reached further up. "You know I love you, right?"

"I know, and I love you too" I grinned before connecting our lips together. He smiled into the kiss, one hand on my waist and another on my leg to guide it around him. After the small movement, it returned to my waist, the kiss being the first proper 'action' (at this rate) in almost 10 months.

Just when he started to unbutton his shirt off me, the doorbell echoed. Ross released a grunt, and I giggled. "That's the pizza isn't it?"

"Sure is" I tickled his sides and he rolled off me laughing. "Come on, I'm starving!"

#LoveWins GUYS 🌈💖😭☺️

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