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"Did you have sex?"

The coffee that was in my mouth came flying out in every direction. I looked at Gail, who had just arrived. "What?!"

"You have that after-sex glow; or in other words, you're red as fuck" she sipped her beverage. "But I don't see- Charlotte Brown"

"Got to go, got to go, got to go" I stood up from the porch but she reached back and grabbed my ankle. "Okay, what?"

"Who was it?" She clung to my arm excited.

"You can't tell a soul, otherwise you'll have to sell yours to me" she giggled, but agreed. "Ross and I are sort of back together but we've agreed to take it slow-"

Gail shrieked. "Yeah, so slow that you've already got it on"

"Hey, it's been two years, we both needed it" I smiled. "But it was so romantic and cute; I really missed him"

"Aww, you guys are so in love"

"Who's in love?" Ellington and Zack appeared at the porch. I tensed up.

"Us" Gail kissed my cheek. "We're getting married next week"

Zack laughed. "I better get invited, I like wedding food"

They eventually went, leaving the house deserted apart from Ross, who was probably still sleeping. Liam was there too, Gail's boyfriend.

"Can I steal Charlie from you for a second?" Ross appeared at the door (*headflip*). I quickly got up and followed him inside, where he picked me up into his arms and covered my face in kisses as I screamed for help. It was adorable, but I'm ticklish all over.

"How are you, my love?" He smiled.

"I'm okay, tasting like coffee, but okay"

"I was about to say so" he said. "So, would you possibly care to go out later?"

"Sure, what are the plans?" I grinned.

"Just a drive into NYC, so we could walk about without worrying about others catching on" he then looked at me. "But paparazzi would"

"Nothing some shades can't hide" I grinned. "I like the secrecy, makes me feel at least 10 years younger"

"It makes me feel 12 years younger- woman I'm almost 30" he chuckled then froze. "I'm almost 30"

"But you're still gorgeous" I reached up and kissed his lips. He responded, but not like usual. "What's up?"

"Why do you want to keep us a secret?" He asked.

I sighed. "It's because, I broke up with you and I intimated the divorce so technically I broke your heart. They make it subtle but not subtle enough, your family isn't as fond of me as they used to be and frankly, I don't think they will agree with us being back together"

"Yes, you broke up with me" Ross said. "But I let you, and that was my mistake. Now if they don't realise that we both played a part in this, then they are rather daft; but anyway, they should be happy that I am with someone I have liked for so long and makes me feel so happy"

"True" I nodded. "It's your choice, we can tell them if you want"

"I think it will be good" I smiled.

short chapter bc writers block/tired/so done/pissed😊😑   but I have the next two book ideas planned out

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