CHP 1 My Life

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"Yarr atleast listen to me". I speak once again while walking behind her, actually jogging because she walks so fast.

"No I'm not listening anything from you. You had promised me, that you will attend my engagement and now you have the audicity to say no, to whom you only bestfriend". She speaks in anger. I know I had fueled her anger by saying no, but I can't do anything with that.

"At least listen to me na". I tried again while trying to walk with her.

"No I don't want any excuse this time. You always do this to me". She said while puffing her cheeks.

" Acha baba at least we can sit and talk. People are staring us. We are making fun of ourselves in the campus". I tried to give some commonsense to this girl.

"Okay let's sit in the canteen". She said.

" Okay". Saying this we move towards the canteen, and soon settled down in the corner.

"Now speak". She said after ordering two vegetables sandwich with cheese.

"You know na my family won't allow me to go in Udaipur. You know how much strict they are. And you know how is dadi, she will not let me complete my studies also, if I tell her that I want to go to Udaipur for 5 days". I tell her the truth.

"I understand you concern but we have a solution for that". She said excitedly.

" And what's that? " I questioned her.

"My engagement is in Mumbai, so you don't have to come to Udaipur. And for the preparations I had already talked to bhai-sa and he is ready for me to select everything from Mumbai". She replied with a big grin. I couldn't help but smile at her. She knows how to solve my problems. How can she not after all she is my best friend and only best friend. How she become my bestfriend? I still don't believe she is from Royal family of Udaipur and is my bestfriend. Unbelievable na, I also didn't believe when she ask me to become her friend for the first time. No one knows her real identity here except for the professors and the college main staff.

"Aru are you sure they are ready to do your engagement in Mumbai rather than in Udaipur". I ask her once again to confirm my doubt.

"Yes Avu bhai-sa has already prepared everything, don't worry about anything. Now let's eat I'm hungry". Aru said taking a bite of her sandwich.

After breakfast we left for our remaining classes. Yes classes, I'm studying jewellery designing. I had completed my B.Des and in final year of B.Sc, after that I want to my Masters in Jewellery but... Let it be for now. I don't want to think about it. Let's focus on studies now. After finishing my classes, I move towards Aru's class to pick her up. We have 2 different classes. As I love to design traditional heavy jewelleries and she loves to design simple western, classy jewelleries. So we have 2 different classes. After that we both move towards exit, settling on the scooty, we head towards our destination i.e our office where we work.

Entering by the gate we read "Suresh Jewellery Designing House". after parking we scan our I'd cards. Then settle in our cubic. As you all know she is from Royal family. But here also no one knows her real identity. They all think of her as a normal girl from udaipur not a royal princess. How will they compare when they don't have seen her still. Okay now let's focus on work, or my boss will eat me alive. I get involve in my work so much that I said no to food during lunch time, now glancing at the clock I saw it's already 7pm and Aru had left as she has to do shopping for her engagement. So here I'm all alone almost in this office. I complete the design in 20 minutes, after submitting and scanning the I'd card. I left for home. I reach at 8:15pm because of heavy traffic and I had to walk till bus station from office. You must be thinking where the scooty has gone, actually it's Aru's scooty not mine. So here I'm entering in my home with a smile. I quietly make my way towards my room, but before I can put step on to the first stair, a voice came from behind me.

𝑴𝒚 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑶𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏Where stories live. Discover now