Before The Storm

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The Year: 2050

"Damn, its such a nice day! I'm glad you convinced me to get out of my funk and bring Pops outside for a lunch date. The most I've done lately is take him for quick walks and back in the house. Also I know he's happy to see Kit Kat" Iris inhaled the fresh air.

Kairi and Iris were walking their dogs along the path-way in their favorite park after their lunch date. Iris been moody lately since her divorced was finalized 3 months ago. She's known Iris since they were in diapers and it will always bother her when her best friend isn't feeling her best. She tried to keep her spirits up especially in the last couple of years because every time Iris turned around something bad was happening to her; like she couldn't catch a break.

Out of the two, Kairi was the optimistic one which probably came more from her career as a therapist. She presented the idea of them both needing a change of scenery and a do over. Collectively, they packed their shit and moved from their hometown in NYC to a small city in New Hampshire called Silver Phoenix to restart their lives.

Kairi wasn't married and the relationship she had before she left, was holding on by a thread so letting him go wasn't hard. After while, he became a bed filler and it took her way too long to realize they had nothing in common.

Iris situation was a little more complicated. She was married and happy for awhile until her husband wasn't, in which she acted like she didn't noticed. Sometime later she admitted to Kairi that she was in denial of all the clear signs where she could of attempted to do her part to save her marriage. But she chose to walk around with rose colored glasses because they were high school sweethearts and thought he would never leave her. It was a hard reality check for her and its still taking time to recover from.

"Can we sit down for a second, I just want to enjoy the view for a little bit."

Kairi smiled, "Sure but isn't that just code for people watching?"

Iris smirked at her best friend for knowing her so well. She plopped down and immediately threw her head back to the sun soaking in all the rays she hasn't been getting since being holed up in her house.

Iris took a breath, "Isn't it crazy how the Sun, Moon, Stars and Gravity exists but humans all over the world lack superpowers?! If those elements can exist then why don't we as humans have superpowers?!"

For the last 35 years of their friendship (and at least once a week) they engage in the same topic about the existence of superpowers and magic. Call it their guilty pleasure and comfort conversation that most would of been bored with after the 2nd time. But that's what was so special about Kairi and Iris friendship. They both enjoyed the escapism since the current state of their lives was currently in flames.

"You're right Iris. We read about it, see it in movies and television shows where all of a sudden a regular human discovers they have powers. The actual idea of powers existing in such detail, didn't just come out of nowhere. There has to be people out there that have them."

"All those rumors especially the ones in 2020 about Black people getting their superpowers on Dec 21st pissed me off!" Iris laughed.

"Right?! I woke up trying to see if I felt different and I had nothing. I felt so damn bamboozled at 10 years old!"

"Well at least you didn't jump off your TV stand trying to see if you can fly! That scar on my knee proves to me everyday I didn't get any powers!"

"So... what you're saying is that your superpower would be to fly?!" Kairi probed.

"Kairi! You ask me this same question all the time like my answer would change. It will forever in a day be Telekinesis."

"I know, I know, I know! I keep asking to see if you would change your mind because there so many good choices out there. Why are you only stuck on Telekinesis?!"

"Well for starters, I would be able to hang my ex husband over a bridge with so much joy watching him beg me not to drop him" she smiled wickedly.

"Omg Iris! You would kill Jermaine?!"

"No! C'mon Kairi give me some damn credit! You know I'm not a killer! I would just literally hang him over a bridge for how he treated me towards the demise of our union."

She paused, looked down at Pops and rubbed his head, "I know in our big ass age it seems silly to still dream about having superpowers but I've always wondered if I did, maybe the last 5 years of my life wouldn't have been so shitty."

Kairi sighed deeply, "I know its been rocky but I have a feeling the storm is about to finally clear up. We moved to a new city together, you still got a banging shape, you don't have any kids to raise unless you count your dog-"

"Hey! Excuse me! Pops is my child!" she said matter-of-fact.

"Okay! You know what I mean. Our life isn't over. People all over the world and especially on social media will act like once you hit 30 nothing works and you're immediately gray. So what does that mean for the both of us?! Because were about to turn 40 this year which follows up with the "we look good for our age."

"I hate that line so much! Its so demeaning and condescending. I see these damn 20 year old brats on social media talking about our age when some of them already looking burnt out from all the heavy drinking, smoking and partying they're doing."

Kairi was about to piggy back Iris point when her phone buzzed. At the same time Iris phone started going off as well. They both saw it was an emergency alert.

"Residents of Silver Phoenix, it is advised that you gather as many provisions from the store and head back inside immediately. We have gotten word that the air quality is going to be hazardous with a rising AQI of 213. If you're already outside please wear a mask until you get inside. We advise everyone to keep your windows close, don't turn on your air conditioner and only use fans until it's over. Stay safe."

Kairi wasn't worried about herself more so she was of Iris. When the pandemic happened Iris developed asthma. It wasn't severe but the condition of the air would agitate it.

"Ugh! Why on the day I decided to stop being a moody bum that the air quality want to kill me?!"

"I know! We moved from a city that had 14 seasons and was heavily polluted, but out here everyone and everything is tissue paper fragile. Strange that the air could be so different around the world."

They stood up and began heading back in the direction of their cars.

"I'm going to stop at the ice cream store before I head back in the house."

"Damn Iris, you cant go one weather disaster without your Cookie Dough?!"

"Just like you cant go one without buying another book for the mood."

Kairi rolled her eyes at her.

"Listen, don't stay out too long. I got a weird feeling and its not good. Promise me you wont get too consumed in your favorite place in the world?! Get in and get out, please?!"

The last time Iris used that tone with her was in high school when she had a feeling Kairi's boyfriend at the time was cheating on her.

Turns out not only was he cheating on her but the person he cheated on her with was their gym teacher. The scandal became a whole big mess. Since then, Kairi never dismisses Iris gut feelings.

"I promise. Now, go get your dessert and hurry up inside and I will text you when I get in the house."

Iris waves as she pulled off.

Kairi took one last look around at the gorgeous day before she pulled off, "Why would humans ever be granted superpowers? Look how we've treated the earth without them?! How would we make the world better if we had them?"

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