Second Guessing

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Harlem fidgeted anxiously as he waited for Kairi and Justice to come back inside.

"Why the fuck am I waiting around like a damn jealous boyfriend?! I've only met her today! Well...technically, I've known her for many lifetimes" he rolled his eyes. "At least what I'm feeling for her is by my own volition!" He looked across the room exhaling deep, "But...then there's Reyna."

Harlem spotted Reyna at the far side of the crypt standing by herself, biting her nails and facial expression showing her deep in thought.
He could feel his powers getting stronger by the second and with that his emotional connection for Reyna becoming more apparent.

"She's probably over there just as confuse as I am, considering her love for ol' Maurice versus our fated love. Again, why I'm acting like she's choosing him over me?!"

Harlem looked at the door then back at Reyna. 24 hours ago his biggest problem was reasoning with his stubborn student Cynthia about pacing herself. Now, instead he's in some weird love triangle with feelings for two women he didn't know existed until today.

He's been avoiding Reyna and it seems like she was doing the same after Motha's rundown. Part of him wanted to talk about their so-called fated love but the other part of him didn't like the idea of who he loves being decided for him.

Harlem knew he couldn't dodge her forever. He took a few paces in her direction when the sound of the crypt door opening stopped him in his tracks. He turned to see Kairi rushing back inside, her face indifferent with Justice trailing behind.

"So much for me going with my heart. I guess my head it is."

He pivots in the direction of Kairi, catching up to her, "Hey Kairi, are you okay?!"

Kairi still reeling from her conversation with Justice, didn't hear Harlem approaching her.

Harlem touched her shoulder to grab her attention. Before she could react she received a psychic connection from Harlem.

"I want to tell you how I feel but I'm confused on how I feel. But the feelings for you are there."

She turned her body quickly, shaking off Harlem's touch before he realized she read his mind.

Kairi straighten up awkwardly, "Harlem! I didn't hear you coming! Were you saying something?"

Harlem glared at her suspiciously from her jumpy response, "I was asking you if you were okay? Justice didn't say anything to offend you did he?"

"No, but I know I've offended him by lying to his face about my feelings for him."

"Umm yeah, I guess I needed a moment to meltdown from the info dump of destiny, fate and you know...everything else."

Harlem rubbed the back of his head, "Yeah, Ms. Motha said a lot of things we cant deny. It seems like the longer we have our powers, the more we feel the essence from our past lives, especially feelings." Harlem took a small pause, "Listen, Kairi there's something I want to talk to you about."

No Harlem. Please, not right now."

"Kairi! Great, you're back!" Motha walks up startling them both behind, "Now that you've collected yourself can I steal you for a minute? Motha looked at Harlem, "I promise I wont be long with her."

Harlem forced a smile, "Who could ever say no to thee Mother Nature?" he walks away and over to Orion annoyed.

Kairi waited until Harlem was out of ear shot, "How did you know I needed saving?"

Motha taps the side of her head, referencing their psychic connection.

"Kairi, you have enough on your plate right now. When you walked out, I had an epiphany." She gathers Kairi's hands in hers, "I want to apologize to you. I didn't realize how much the riff in the timeline was affecting you. In every lifetime, I'm used to you stepping into your role as the leader automatically and getting done what needs to be done."

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⏰ Last updated: 8 hours ago ⏰

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