What Happens In The Dark...

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Orion spun his head towards the sound of Kairi’s voice. The look on her face wasn’t fear but worry. He took a quick glimpse at his hands beaming a bright light from his palms and then back at Mrs Anthony looking at him like a demon.

She sputtered out while pointing, “Your eyes! They’re glowing yellow! Your hands! What the hell are you?!”

Orion roared, “What’s happening to me?!” before taking off into the direction of his office.

Mrs. Anthony collapsed dramatically into Bruno’s arms while he gets on the phone speaking in code and with urgency.

Reyna whispered to Kairi, “We need to get him and us out of here now! Go after him since you know him.”

Kairi dashes to the back and in mid stride Harlem yells, “And whatever smells good back there, pack up some of that too! I’m fucking starving and I know the rest of us can agree!”

Kairi looked back at Harlem and the rest of them shrugged their shoulders.

“Fine!” She continued towards the back, discreetly clutching her own growling stomach.

She knocked lightly on Orion’s office door and Kit Kat starts barking. “Orion opened the door, please. Its me, Kairi.”

Orion sat at his desk staring at his dark computer screen, his eyes glowing like gold coins, “Umm Kairi, I will open the door to let Kit Kat out but I rather not see anyone right now. I’m not feeling so good.”

Kairi didn’t want to push him but she knew they didn’t have time for gentleness. “Alright, Orion. Just let Kit Kat out and I will come back to check on you later.”

Orion got up and scooped Kit Kat up in one arm while cracking the door slightly to let him out with the other.

Kairi pushed the door open wide with her mind sending Orion backwards on the floor. He looked at Kairi stunned as she walked in with her eyes glowing orange.

Her eyes turned back to brown and she puts her hand out for him to grab it, “We need to talk and we need to do it fast.”

“Damn daylight back there sure can bake!” Harlem stuffed another piece of blueberry cake in his mouth while Reyna packed food for the rest of them.

“Are you going to sit up there and keep eating or are you going to help me?” she sighed hard.

Harlem side grinned at her while wiping his mouth, “Do you really need my help packing a couple of sandwiches, salads and desserts?” He got close behind Reyna, his breath on her neck smelling sweet, “Or do you just want me near you?”

She spun around quick to his eyes glowing blue and intensely digging into the windows of her soul. “Why are you in my personal space?” her voice cracked.

Reyna couldn’t understand the energy happening between her and Harlem but it was intense enough that she had to keep reminding herself of Maurice.

Before he could answer, Reyna’s eyes glowed as they caught another vision, this one feeling much different from the rest with no pain.

At the same time, Orion experienced his first vision with Kairi after she shared a psychic connection with him to bring him up to speed. Thai and Kennedy still in the front, eyes also started to glow in front of Bruno who still was holding a passed out Mrs. Anthony and realizing it’s more of them.

A few seconds and the vision passed. Kairi sensing from the others that they also felt how different this vision was.

Orion looked at her baffled, “How come I didn’t experience any pain like the rest of yall experienced?”

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