This Little Light of Mine...

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Reyna continued driving with no real destination while everyone else sat in silence, processing everything that’s occurred thus far.

Reyna respected the silence all things considered but she also hated it. She didn’t feel like this was the time to be mute especially with two new people on this weird journey and so many unanswered questions.

She peeked in the rear mirror and their faces looked like hers when she first learned of her powers in the bathroom. But Kairi’s face held the pressures and responsibilities of their new reality.

“Kairi…umm are you okay? That might be a dumb question with everything going on but from afar that showdown between you and your ex best friend looked intense.”

Kairi dramatically looked in the back then turned back to Reyna, “You think?! Red hot and static back there decided to have a damn fairy tale moment and show their powers like we don’t live in a world of fear, greed and dangerous curiosity.”

Thai sat back in her seat embarrassed and speechless while Kennedy took offense.

“Its not everyday someone just wakes up with powers and knows what to do. We just went with what felt right at the moment. And by the way, Red Hot sounds like a cool name.” she said matter of fact.

Harlem chimed in defenselessly, “Damn Kairi, take it easy on them. None of us know what we’re doing including you. So get off your high ass orange pedestal. Clearly, each person’s experience has and will be different and under no control of their own.”

Kairi was ready to curse Harlem out (even though he was right) when she felt the dulling sensation creeping up again. “Reyna pull over.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea Kairi. We’re most likely wanted by now, with a growing superpower witch hunt on us and on top of us being in a stolen car.” Reyna rambles on.

“Reyna pull over! NOW!”

“Oh boy! What the fuck now Señora naranja?” Kennedy barked.


Startled, Reyna swerves the car to the curb jolting everyone out of their seat.

“Alright! Shit! What the hell is your problem-”

Before Reyna could finish her sentence, her eyes began to glow right along with everyone else accompanied by a slightly less painful vision. A few seconds passed and the pain subsided.

“So… that’s the reason you wanted me to pull over huh? A vision without being able to see the road in a stolen car wouldn’t have been good huh?” Reyna said sheepishly.

Kairi turned in her seat grabbing Reyna’s hand, “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have exploded at you…none of you. The thing is I feel responsible for all of you even though, I’ve just met you.”

Everyone nodded in agreement and smile in forgiveness.

Reyna spoke softly, “I know none of this is easy for any of us. But we’re going to find out what all this means okay? You’re not alone and you’re not doing it alone.”

Kairi didn’t respond in fear of her voice cracking. Instead she gripped Reyna’s hand a little tighter feeling the closest to Reyna the most.

“I hate to break up this tender moment but whose the square in the vision we just had?” Harlem inquired.

“Why do I get the feeling that Reyna needs to step on it to get to this guy?” Kennedy said worried.

Kairi threw her head back in the seat and groaned, “Because the person he’s going to be in front of is the wrong person to be around when your powers are seconds from manifesting. Out of all people why him?”

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