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Kennedy glared at her opponents with intensity then back down at her hand. It was the last 3 books of the game and the score was tied. She looked at her partner/mentor, Lt. Charles and his face was deadpan. Whenever they played spades together, Lt. Charles refused to make any facial expressions that would accused him of being a cheater.

She was ready to run the books when the sound of the firehouse alarm snapped them all back to reality.

Zander, a 10 year firefighter sucked his teeth, “You’re lucky because I was ready to let yall have it!”

The testing of the mic from the intercom let them know Luther, the firehouse operator was about to announce the job.

“Attention! Attention! We have a two alarm fire at the Department of Motor Vehicles building. Emergency personnel is on their way. Security is still evacuating pedestrians but keep in mind of anyone left behind.”

Lieutenant Charles rose to go and get suited up. He glanced at Kennedy who popped up out of her seat, slapping the cards on the table with a grin forming on her face.

“Kennedy, do you have to smile every time we get a call for a fire?” Charles asked.

She tried to wipe the smile off her face but instead it got wider. “I’m sorry Lt. but you know I love this shit! Fighting Mother Nature is insane and I don’t think I will ever get over that!”

She raised her hand to her temple, moving her fingers in small circles to ease an ache in her head.

“Are you okay Kennedy? You know how I feel about going in the field if you don’t feel your best.”

She forced a smile, “No, I’m fine. I think I just stood up too fast from the excitement of getting a call.”

He shook his head, chuckling to himself as he headed to his office to get ready.

She joined the rest of the firefighters and got suited up as well. They loaded up in two separate fire engines and pulled onto the street honking their horns the entire way to go another round with Mother Nature.

As they rode towards the job, Kennedy felt a growing pain in her chest. Silent fear had her wondering if it was the start of a heart attack. She refuse to tell her LT whose been eyeing her suspiciously since they left the station house. She reach in her pocket and popped an antacid accompanied by a swig of her water and prayed the pain would subside by  time they arrived on scene.

Within in minutes they’ve arrived and it was pure pandemonium. Whenever they pull up to a job Kennedy never waits for the truck to come to a complete stop. She would hop off the side because she was an adrenaline junkie. Kennedy then takes that time while the trucks are parking to talk to the responding officers to see if there is anyone trapped inside.

But today felt different. She couldn’t explain it, but the closer she got to the DMV building the more she could feel for certain there was someone trapped inside. Kennedy couldn’t find any reasonable explanation but felt she knew this person with her entire soul.

She hopped off the truck sooner than usual and short jogged to the building. The closer she got, the more the pain grew. It wasn’t a crippling sensation but it felt like a piece of her was missing. Kennedy quickly put her helmet on and dashes inside with Charles yelling in protest for her in the distance.

Kennedy navigated through hallways and corners with ease with the blind faith that was leading her. Faith dropping breadcrumbs in her head for her to follow to save whomever this person’s life.

She finally made it to the back and not a minute sooner because there was a woman on the floor beginning to lose consciousness. Kennedy couldn’t understand how she survived without oxygen this long but she knew she had to get to her quick.

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