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Iris lived directly across the street from Kairi in the same complex. When they first moved to Silver Phoenix they thought about living together but quickly agreed that it would of been too much for them; not even the same building. They were 39 not 15 and running away from home.

She got to her door and paranoia started to set in. She kept looking around as if someone knew what had happened and whats going on behind her sunglasses.

Kairi rung the bell and waited but then didn’t even give Iris time to answer before knocking on the door like a mad woman. Iris flings the door open at her like she lost her damn mind.

“Where’s the fire Kairi?! Girl, you knocking like youre getting chased!”

“Iris, its an emergency! Something is wrong with me and I’m scared. You’re the only person I trust.”

Iris flashed a look of concern seeing Kairi visibly shaken. In all the years she has known Kairi, she has never seen her this unraveled before.

“Come in and sit. Let me get you a bottle of water.”

She comes back and Kairi’s face was completely stunned and she didn’t know why.

“Umm Kairi, why do you still have your sunglasses on?”

Kairi places the bottle down by her foot, “The reason I am wearing these sunglasses is the reason why I am freaking out.”

She removes her glasses with her eyes shut at first.

“Umm Kairi what am I suppose to be looking at?”

Kairi slowly opens her eyes and Iris jumps back and out of her chair.

“What the fuck is wrong with your eyes?! What happened to you?!

“I don’t know Iris! I got home just in time yesterday and the last thing I remember was me rushing to close a window before the toxic air got in my apartment but I was too late. It got in my system and did something to the inside of my body, pain so excruciating that I passed out. I woke up on the floor and discovered my eyes were bright orange.”

“Umm okay. So… Is that the only thing wrong with you?”

Kairi was getting a weird feeling that she shouldn’t show Iris she has powers but she ignored her gut feeling. She extended her arm with her hand opened, the broom from Iris’s kitchen landed in it.

“No fucking way! This cant be! Are you saying you have powers?! Specifically Telekinesis?!” Iris paused, “Kairi, do you know what this means?! It was the air and if it happened to you then it could happen to me!”

She was about to walk towards the door but Kairi stopped her, “Iris check the weather, look outside. Its clear. The AQI is at a 30. Whatever happened to me only happened last night. But look at me?! Why would you want this?!”

“I don’t even know why you have to ask me that question.” She walks away from her pacing back and forth slowly.

Kairi began catching waves of her thoughts and true feelings. She was glad she went with her gut instinct and didn’t tell her she could read minds. The feelings and thoughts coming from Iris were making Kairi question everything about their relationship.

“Is she actually jealous?! Nah it cant be…”

Iris whispers, “This shit isn’t fair…”

Kairi didn’t want to believe that her best friend would turn on her because of a freak accident. Yes, the accident gave her powers but it also left her looking like a monster.

“Iris, look at me! My eyes look like orange Gobstoppers! This isn’t what we wanted! We wanted the glamour of it! Not to look like a damn fantasy creature!”

Seven: The AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now