All In The Roots

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“Reyna! Please open the door! Whatever it is I can help you! But don’t shut me out, not now! Please!” Maurice yelled and banged on the locked bathroom door.

Yesterday was suppose to be the start of something beautiful between her and Maurice. She finally decided to cross the line with her best friend whose she’s known since first attending Silver Phoenix University.

But instead of waking up to post sex bliss, she was met with the most frighten sight: her eyes were glowing green and that wasn’t the worst of it.

In the middle of her freak out in the bathroom she knocked over Maurice’s favorite potted plant. When she went to clean it up, she noticed she was able to move the dirt without touching it. She could feel the dirt’s energy and when she touched the leaves of the plant she felt it even more.

She couldn’t decided if she was in shock or fascinated as she made the dirt dance in the air. She snapped out of it the dirt dropping back on the floor. She faced the mirror again, staring at her glowing green eyes while she replayed the last 24 hours.

Maurice had made plans a week ago for their first date but the stay home advisory from the mist derailed their plans.

For Reyna, it’s been awhile since she dated. All of her time and energy went into school and becoming a Botanist. She didn’t want to come off boring so she suggested she stay over at his place and do shrooms.

What she didn’t anticipate from the tiny pieces of fungi was them having the wildest night that end up with them having the wildest sex she has ever had.

She didn’t know she could still do a cartwheel and land on a man’s dick, but at almost 40, drugs and delusion told her she could.

In the morning, she was all smiles looking at Maurice sleeping beside her. She finally felt she had it all: the career, accomplishments, body and the man who was her best friend first.

Her father believed deeply, “You will always know a man loves you if he names you as his best friend first.” Reyna held onto to that and was patient not to settle until she had that. She just never expected it would be Maurice.

Now she’s going to lose everything because she woke up a green eyed freak with strange powers.

At first she thought she was having a bad reaction to the shrooms but when she made the dirt dance in the air like she was orchestrating a symphony she knew it was something deeper than mushrooms. And she knows she was the only one affected.

“Why me?”

She was scared as fuck. All she wanted to do was escape and find out whats wrong with her in the privacy of her lab. But Maurice lived on the 7th floor and the fire escape was in the living room; she felt trapped.

Reyna has always felt a deep connection to plants and curiosity to Earth hence her interest in Botany but she never knew she would one day have powers over it.

“Reyna, you’ve been in there for 4 hours. I had to take a piss in a bottle in my own house. Why wont you come out and tell my what happened? Did you get your period? I mean at this age that’s nothing to be embarrassed about!”

“Eeew no Mo! That’s not it! I just cant come out, okay?!”

Maurice was about to protest again when his doorbell rang. He threw on a robe and headed to the door. He looked through the peephole at a man and woman he didn’t know.

He cracked open the door suspiciously, “Can I help you?”

Kairi hoped she could convince this man to let Reyna go. “Yes, I’m looking for Reyna, is she here?”

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