Look At Me... I'm In Charge Now

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Iris stared at Noah in a daze while he laid in the hospital bed resting from his concussion. She gritted her teeth and gripped the bed rail tight as she replayed everything that transpired.

I cant believe she threatened me! And nearly killed Noah! More proof that she doesn’t deserve that power if she’s going to abuse it. None of them do. It should be mine.”

Around Noah she was in denial but the truth of the matter, she had more feelings for him than she let on. Kairi aided in her epiphany adding more fuel to Iris desire to take her down and take her powers.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a heavy knock at door. Her gaze drifted over to three individuals (2 men and 1 woman) standing in the doorway. Each one of them with the “agent look.”

Iris clears her throat, “Can I help you?”

The guy standing closer to the front stepped forward. “Hello Iris, you don’t know me yet but my name is Jackson. We we’re suppose to meet Noah at the DMV but traffic was crazy. By time we got through, they told us Noah was hurt and brought to the hospital.”

She looked back at Noah then back at the group, “Yes, the reason he got hurt is the reason why you’re all here. How about we go into Noah’s office to talk privately and let him rest.”

Iris led them out and down the hall to Noah’s office. Once the last person was inside, they went around the room, introducing themselves and a little about their background.

Jackson was Noah’s best friend from summer camp. They kept in touch over the years while Noah went to medical school and Jackson served in the military fresh out of college at 21. Afterwards, he was recruited by the FBI where he worked alongside Terri & Sadiq for the next 15 years. His specialty is shooting from long distance and explosives.

Sadiq was recruited straight out of college because his entrance exam scores were off the charts. His problem solving and survival skills was duly noted. He was also good with mixing chemicals together in an efficient time. Whether it was for a quick explosive, stink bomb or a serum to knock someone out he could do just about anything with limited resources.

And Terri was recruited before she went to college as an intern until she turned 21. Her specialty was live wiring, bomb detonation and 15 years of combat training outside of FBI. She have a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Iris had to admit she was impressed but still skeptical with letting them in on everything. They all came from the Feds and run tight with each other. Who knows what their motives would be once they find out what they’re really walking into.

But she needed help and had no choice but to take the risk.

“Your background and experience means you can handle the physical part of the assignment but lets see if you can handle the mental of it.”

“What is it we’re exactly dealing with Iris?” Sadiq pried.

“That strange mist yesterday? It activated superhuman powers in a selected few of humans. Incredible powers. One has telepathy and telekinesis and lets just say I was able to get up close and personal with that one.” she rolled her eyes.

“Are you saying this assignment is to capture superhumans?” Terri asked with skepticism.

“Yes. I’ve also seen one who can control water, another fire and the other electricity. Had you been there when Noah and myself arrived, you would of seen their powers on display. The one with telekinesis, she did this to Noah! Snapped a branch off a tree and knocked him out all with her mind!”

Jackson interrupted, “The closest that we have come to any type of paranormal activity were aliens and that wasn’t all that credible. Superhumans? How would we even try to capture and contain people with extraordinary powers? And how many are there?”

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