Y/N's Tale: Story of A Royal..... Or Rebel?

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3rd person POV

Male narrator: once upon a time.

Femalr narrator: in a far away land.

A key clicked into a book which realised a flash of light which covers the screen and we transition to a twilight sky, black and white birds fly by the screen and thunder strikes in the distance and the camera pans down to raven at the pedistal infront of 2 giant crowds.

Male narrator: All eyes were on raven as she made the most decision of her life.

Raven: i am raven queen, daughter of the evil queen and i.... Uh..

Raven looked over her right shoulder and saw apple cheering for her to sign and raven was about to look over her left shoulder when suddenly time stopped again, this time with a dark red tint.

Male narrator: wait!, what's going on?

Why are you starting from here?, start at the beginning.

Female narrator: but we already did..... Twice.

Just do it!

Male narrator/female narrator: ok,ok.

The book infront of raven starts flipping backwards.

Male narrator/female narrator: gather around and let us tell you a story, the story of ever after high, a high school for the teenage sons and daughters of the most famous fairytale characters to ever live, but this year was like no other for the students of ever after high.

Male narrator/female narrator:

Y/n's tale: story of a royal..... Or rebel?

We see a beautiful, giant castle made of marble as we zoom into a hall and see family portrait containing snow white, your father, apple and...... But wait, you weren't in the family portraits actually every portrait of you was of you and you alone, the camera stops at a door and the camera goes through the key hole into a bedroom of a boy: your bedroom, the walls had posters of fairy out boys and a few photos here and there but when the alarm rang at 6:30, you quickly got up and closed it, you got up from the bed to reveal you in your boxers, you put on some slippers and when to the bathrooms after a shower and putting on some fancy cloths you made your way down the halls to the dinning halls.

When you arrived only servent were present, you sat down and a servent brought you some food as you thanked him and he bowed and left you alone to eat.

After eating you made your way out of the castle and a carraige was waiting for you, you got in as the servents loaded up your suitcases.

Unlike other princesses and princes, you only had 4 suitcases which is nothing compared to the usual of apple's 20 suitcases.

As the carraige started to move, you put on your red headphones and put on some music.

After a few more songs the carriage stopped infront of ever after high, you took of your headphones and stepped out as servents carried your suitcases into the school.

You arrived very, very, very early which was typical for you, it was part of a module you had that life forced you to adopt.

Be the first or be the worst.

After finding your dorm and setting everything in there places, you took a walk around campus and a few students had arrived,even some of your friends.

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