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This one is shorter but enjoy the chill this couple chapters have becasue the later chapters ain't got none.

We open upto you walking down a hallway while whistling but the 3 pigs ran past you in fright which made you stumble.

Y/n: what the...?

Then you heard raven behind so you turn around to see her holding a basket and saying to a random girl.

Raven: hats over crowns, vote for maddie.

As the student walked away you walked upto raven.

Y/n: hey, rae, since when is maddie on the running board?

Raven: this morning.

You chuckle.

Y/n: how wonderlandiful, well as much as i love my sister, i think it's time for a new president, mind giving me a pin?

Maddie popped up infront of you.

Maddie: ofcourse.

Maddie stabbed a pin in your chest.

Y/n: OWW, Maddie!!

Maddie giggled and hopped away.

Y/n: i wanted to talk to you but there's a seering pain in my chest so talk to you later, kay?

Raven nodded as you walked away.

When you were out of site raven frowned.

Maddie: whu don't you tell him?

Raven looked back at maddie.

Raven: that your in lo-....

Maddie was cut off by raven's hand on maddie's mouth.

Raven: I'm not in.... You know what with him, sure, i like him, alot but i have more important things to worry about.

Maddie appeared behind raven.

Maddie: relax,it's all gonna work out.

Raven: i hope your right.

You were in sitting in the charmatorium with the royals as blondie was sat at a desk on the stage asking maddie and apple questions who were standing on podiums.

Blondie: so here we go fellow fairytales the ever after high royal student council debate, my first question goes to apple white: why would anyone not vote for you?

Apple: let me just say i will preside over this school like my future kingdom: perfectly.

The royals cheered while the rebel side was as quite as space.

Blondie:... And maddie my question for you is: why would you run against apple? Are you... (blondie giggles)... Mad?

Maddie: why, yes and thank you for noticing, if the squirrel eats acorns but never a steak, how much water fills up the lake?

Everyone in the crowd and blondie's jaw dropped in confusion, minus a few exceptions like the wonderlandians, a few students and you.

You knew a bit of riddlish but weren't fluent in it by any means.

Maddie basically said: "if only one person leads how will you know how another can't be better?" or something like that.

The rebels cheered and you were the only royal to cheer, all the royals except you had unconvinced looks.

Ashlynn stood up.

Ashlynn: excuse me?

Cedar and hunter stood up with their hands on the their hips.

Cedar: you heard us.

Hunter: apple's beem president long enough.

Dexter stood up.

Dexter: maddie is.... Mad!

You stood upto stop this.

Y/n: GUYS!!! stop it, this is supposed to be professional don't turn this into another "royal v rebel" thing.

A random royal yelled from the crowd.


Y/n: I DID NOT!!!

You retaliated as the entire charmatorium errupted in arguments.

Maddie slammed her fist on her pedistal.

Maddie: QUIET!!!

Everyone's jaw dropped at maddie's outburst.

Maddie: i just had a tea-riffic idea.

She said in her normal carefree tone.

(screen flip transition)

Tiny is seen standing infront of a classroom talkinh to apple who was sitting on a fancy chair.

Tiny: it'd be oh-so swell if the council could have the castle doors widened for the not-so tiny of us?

Apple looked up at tiny with a smile.

Apple: i think we can make that happen but i need to check with my co-president.

The camera pans to show maddie sitting in a chai next to apple.

Maddie: for the cave of the bear is open so wide would you really change the pool of the tide?

Maddie giggles.

Apple: what she said.

Screen fades black.

And remember

The end is just the beginning.

The bird and the poisoned appleWhere stories live. Discover now