Legacy Day: Epilogue

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Sorry, i haven't been able to update the story. I've been pretty busy at home, i hope you all understand.

And also thank you very much for 1k reads it's really exciting, thank you again.


After all that has just happened your mind was absolute mush.

Raven didn't sign the storybook of legends, apple ran away crying, you and raven shared a semi-kiss and you had a burning headache because of the magic.

And you were trying to find apple, with all this weighing on your mind.

You eventually found your sister in her dorm, you tried to open the door but it was locked, you knocked at the door but all you heard was sobbing which caused you to groan.

Y/n: apple? Apple open the door! Apple please!

You cried out but all you heard was sobbing, you moved back and you got on idea.

You streched out your hands and they glowed red and then you didn't feel the ground beneath you anymore.

You fell face first on carpeted floor, you groaned as you rubbed your head and looked up and saw apple crying on her bed curled up into a ball.

The teleportation spell worked!

You stood up and dusted your cloths. You tought for a second and then sat on the bed. You gently took her hand into your own.

This action caused apple to jolt up and looked at you with suprise and confusion.

You couldn't blame her, you just suddenly appeared in her dorm when she clearly locked it.

Apple: Y-y/n?

You frowned when you heard her hoarse voice, you wrapped your arms around her and pulled het into a hug burying her face in the crook of your neck.

Y/n: it's alright, let it all out.

Apple's eyes watered again as she hugged you back and cried into your neck, you patted her back.

Y/n: it's ok, apps, I'm here for you, remember, i made a promise.



A 13 year old apple was walking through a forest, it was only a day or two.... Or a month since her mom told her about your curse and it devastated her.

But she knew she couldn't go back on it now.

So for the past month she's been avoiding you like the plague, she just couldn't bring herself to look at her younger brother after she knew what she had to do.

"... It's the only way... "

"... To protect all the fairytale realms... "

"... To ensure their happily ever after... "

apple kept telling herslf but a part of her hated herself for planning to stab you in the back but she knew it had to be done.

Apple kept walking until she found a old, run down, well so out curiosity she walked up to it and looked down.

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