Chapter 12

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The valley is slowly being cleaned up and the huts are being repaired or replaced.

Nixie has been getting courting gifts daily from Boomer, the hole that is in the side of the mountain has been a huge undertaking and Boomer has been working on fixing it, all while hunting and getting gifts for courting Nixie.

Nixie is almost ready to mate with Boomer when something unexpected happens.

She feels as though a pulling sensation has her wanting to go to where Boomer has been repairing the hole at.

She asks Phantom to help her take the kits to Genisis hoping that she will watch over them so that she can follow the pull.

Genisis tells Nixie that she will have her males help watch the kits but also wants Nixie to take  two of her mates as well as taking Phantom so she will have more Protection.

They decide that Genisis's males Kintaro and Ryeon would go as protection for Nixie to find whatever or whoever this pull leads her to.

Nixie asks Phantom to find Boomer and have him also go with her.

After waiting for 15 minutes everyone has gathered together to help protect Nixie while She follows this pull.

The small groups leaves and the males encircled Nixie as she tells them where to go.

Boomer is very attentive to Nixie and hopes that this pull she feels leads to something good or if it is a dangerous thing he would die protecting Nixie, he hopes that there is no danger, but either way he will be there for Nixie come what may.

They group makes it to the substantially smaller hole and Nixie tells them that the pull is coming from the other side.

They surround her as much as they can and go through to the outside.

When they reach the outside Nixie feels the pull leading her north from their position, she tells the males that she needs to proceed North and the pull is getting stronger and she thinks they are really close to whatever or whoever she feels the pull to.

They stop and converse and strategize before moving any further.

The group continues north after agreeing to a plan, they walk for another hour before stumbling on a Beastman that is badly hurt and shallowly breathing.

Nixie looks at Phantom and Boomer and says " The pull has stopped, the pull must have been leading me to him?!"

None of the males recognize the injured Beastman, they are cautious about what to do now that the pull has stopped for Nixie.

Again they stop and confer about their next steps.

Nixie makes a quick wish and lays her hands on the injured male and heals him.

She is surprised that she was able to heal him, she didn't wish to heal him, she just wished that she had the ability to help her family and then she had a feeling that she should lay her hands on him.

She must now have the ability to heal. She wonders if her wish made her a healer, but yet her wish was specifically meant for her family, and she was able to heal this injured unknown male.

How is that possible if he isn't a part of her family but yet she could heal his wounds? Maybe it means that he is yet another of the males to come to her from her previous wish for more males to have in her family.

She didn't realize until after Boomer came to her that her wish was selfish and she decides to wish that only males that want to come and be apart of her family are the ones that come to her, she leaves the rest of the wish the same, the part where she asked for only good hearted males come to her and become part of her family.

She also added on a little wish as she amended her previous wish, that any with evil or bad in any way intentions would be unable to get through the protection shield that the Queen had just reinforced yesterday.

The protection shield hadn't been applied to the entire mountain because the queen and Nixie never thought that anyone or anything would break through the physical protection of the mountain.

Queen Genisis fixed that little problem yesterday and it wore her out, she spent a lot of energy reinforcing their protective barriers and shielding the valley.

But she infused the barrier magic into the very rock of the surrounding mountains, Boomer also helped by shoring up the hole that the colossals created when the feral Beastmen drove them into a stampede.

All of the ferals are dead, if they didn't die in the stampede they were killed off by the males that lived in the valley.

That included the males of the queen, Phantom and some other males that moved to the valley with their females, there were no unmated males in the valley with the exception of the kits.

That was why Genisis set her spells to only let those pure of heart and intentions through the shield, the hole into the valley through the mountain disrupted he spell and that was how the ferals and colossals were able to get into the valley.

They got in through an unshielded area.

Queen Genisis exhausted herself redoing the shields and had to rest .

He males sent only 2 of her mates with Nixie while the others either stayed with Genisis or their kits.

Nixie is grateful for all of the help she has received since the day she met her Majesty Queen Genisis.

She had been in bad shape and the queen graciously healed her thus saving her and her twin girls lives.

She would follow Genisis anywhere and do anything she can to help Genisis.

She wonders if she has yet another thing to thank her queen for, she is pulled out her wandering thoughts by the sound of growling behind her, all of a sudden she is looking at the broad, muscular back of her mates and can no longer see the once injured male that she just healed.

She wiggles away from the arms of her new suitor Boomer and elbows Phantom hard in the side to get him to move out of her way, she glares daggers at all the males when they chuckle and laugh at her efforts, until she surprises the males around her with a cute little growl of her own.

The males quickly cut of their laughter and stare at the little female with shock and awe.

She finally makes it to the confused and surprised male that she had just healed.

"What is your name male? And what is your purpose in coming to our usually peaceful little valley?"  "And don't bother lying to me I will know if you do!" She says in a tone of voice eerily similar to the queen

"If you were with the group of ferals that recently attacked us, you might as well  turn around and leave or face their fate." Phantom butts into the conversation with a deep loud growl.

Nixie huffs and eyeballs Phantom "be nice love of mine!" She admonished him in their mind speak.

" I will protect you with my last breath, even from yourself if needs be." He replied back in her mind.

She looks into his eyes with loving shining in hers.
She loves this male so much.

She turns away from him to face the male that still hasn't said a word.

He looks over everyone and thinks that the only way he may make it out of this alive is if he tells the truth and prays to the deity for his life to be spared.

" It is the strangest thing, but I felt a pull that led me here, but  I was jumped by a group of ferals that left me here for dead before I could figure out what the pull was leading me to."

What Is strange is I still felt the pull but I was too weak to follow it any further, but now that pull is gone and I may never find out why I had that feeling in the first place" he says with a sad look and then he hangs his head in grief.

"Oh sorry my name is Silver and I am a Panda Beastman, I am also a healer."

"I still need to rest, is there anyway I could trouble you for a safe resting place before I continue back to my home tomorrow?" Silver feels sad while asking this but he doesn't know why.

While he has been speaking Nixie has been making a small sound, a whimper.

Nixie feels great sadness that started when Silver spoke of leaving.

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