The Bed of Arrows

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Abhimanyu smiled and shot an arrow towards Pitamah Bhishm's feet "Pranipat Pitamah".

"Who are you son?, my old eyes cannot recognise you" asked Pitamah trying to look in Abhimanyu's eyes.

"I am your grandson Arjun and Dwarkaratna Subhadra's son Abhimanyu.I request you to fight with me" replied Abhimanyu with proud smile.

"I can't see my future generation dying in front of my eyes..please go away son. I can only give you blessings not bloodshed" said Pitamah softly.

"I have learnt Chakravyuh in my mother's womb and I was born to avenge Mata Drupadi's humiliation. I accept your arrows as blessings" replied Abhimanyu warmly.

"Go away son because if I slayed you, I won't be able to face my grandson and ancestors in heaven" said  Bheeshm as Abhimanyu drove away.

At that moment of massive slaughter by Bheem and Bhishm, Krishna sternly warned Arjun of dire consequences.

Krishna urged Arjun “The hour has come when you must hold to your promise to slaughter the Kaurava army and fight Bhishma. Behold, your army is being destroyed by him alone.” He drove the chariot to where Bhishma’s chariot stood.

Beholding him advancing, the Pandava host rallied, while Bhishma covered the onrushing chariot with his arrows. Arjuna took Gandiva and sent forth arrows that cut the grandsire’s bow in two. As Bhishma seized and strung another that too was cut down.

Seeing the vigor of Bhishma in slaying his own people, Krishna was afraid that Bhishma would finish the battle all alone. He was overwhelmed by annoyance at the apparent inability of Arjuna to defeat Bhishma who was still not clear in his head. Krishna rushed towards the Kaurava commander, the wheel of a fallen chariot in his hands, eager to slay him.

At the critical moment, Arjuna cannot resist that command. His eyes bright
with tears, he raises the Gandiva. With a heartbroken cry, Arjuna looses his first arrow at his grandfather.

Even Shikhandi is quiet. The silence is broken by the humming of Arjuna’s arrow and the soft noise it makes when it crashes into Bheeshma’s body. He  roars like slayed lion.

Dusasana  left past Satyaki and Abhimanyu, to be at his grandfather’s side.

Pained yet dignified smile played on Bheeshm's lips.

He shines like a lamp of hope on that field, when Arjuna’s arrow strikes him. He shouts at Dusasana,
“That was not Shikhandi’s arrow. It was Arjuna’s!”

Another shaft from the Gandiva smashes into his chest, drawing a font of blood. Bheeshma, the kshatriya, cannot help himself. He seizes a javelin and casts it at Arjuna like a bolt of light. Arjuna cuts it down.

Another arrow takes his grandfather in his stomach, flinging him back against his flagstaff.

Bheeshma cries out again, in agony, in joy “Yes! These are Arjuna’s arrows. How powerful he is, stronger than I ever was. Aaahh!”

Three more shafts shatter his chest. The other Pandavas and Shikhandi
shoot at him again, from every side, their barbs more telling, now that Arjuna has broken him.

Bheeshma staggers in his chariot, hardly an inch of space left on his body where no arrow could enter. Time assumes an extraordinary aspect on the field of war, when his grandsons cut their Pitama down. Each shaft with which Arjuna strikes his grandfather seems to age the day by an hour.

Shaking with grief, but his hands steady as if they belonged to someone else and his aim unerring

Bhishma laid down and surrendered in front of Krishna with his arms and stood ready to die at the hands of the Lord. However, Arjuna ran after him and threw his arms at his feet to stop him. “Stop, O Krishna! Remember your promise not to pick up a weapon, do not let men say you are a liar. I by my weapons, by the truth, by my own deeds, will destroy our foes. The task is mine.” Hearing this, Krishna, still angry, mounted the chariot and took up the reins again.

As Arjuna stood before the fallen Pitamah Bhishma, tears welled up in his eyes. He had never imagined that he would have to face his beloved grandfather in battle, let alone be the one to slay him. But duty called, and Arjuna knew that he had to fulfill his role as a warrior.

"Pitamah, forgive me for what I must do," Arjuna said, his voice choked with emotion. "I honour you as a great warrior and a noble soul, but I cannot let your arrows harm my brothers any longer."

Bhishma looked at Arjuna with a mix of sadness and pride in his eyes. "You are a true warrior, Arjuna," he said. "I have always known that you were destined for greatness. Do what you must, and may the gods guide your hand."

With the help of Shikhandini, Arjuna carefully constructed a bed of arrows for Bhishma to lie down on. The once mighty warrior now lay defeated, but his spirit remained unbroken. As Arjuna prepared to release the final arrow that would end Bhishma's suffering, a sense of reverence filled the battlefield.

"I release you from this cycle of battle and pain, Pitamah" Arjuna whispered, his bowstring taut with wavering determination. With a deep breath, he let the arrow fly, and it found its mark, piercing through Bhishma's armor and into his heart.

As the life force slowly left Bhishma's body, he looked up at Arjuna with a serene smile. "Thank you, Arjuna, for granting me this release," he murmured. "I am at peace now, I know that my time has come to an end."

Arjuna knelt beside his fallen grandfather, his heart heavy with grief. "I will always honour your memory, Pitamah" he vowed, his voice filled with emotion. "Your valor and wisdom will never be forgotten."

Shikhandini placed a comforting hand on Arjuna's shoulder, offering silent support as he mourned the loss of his beloved grandfather. Together, they stood in silence, paying their respects to the fallen warrior who had once been a pillar of strength and honour.

As the sun began to set on the battlefield, Arjuna and Shikhandini prepared to leave, their hearts heavy but their minds rejoiced silently of victory. Though Kauravas and Karna mocked Arjun of using Shikhnandini for slaying Pitamah, Krishna asked Arjun to remain silent for a while.

Too painful to pen down this chapter, kindly do vote and comment.

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