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"im pregnant." autumn said.

silence. the dreaded silence surrounded them. marjorie didnt know what to do, she just sat in the back seeing if winter or autumn would say even a word. luckily, winter decided to be brave enough to reply to autumns statement. one that would change his and her life.

"w-what..?" winters jaw dropped to the floor.

"yes. im having a baby. your baby." autumn replied.

"i mean, are you okay with this.?  are you sure? is it 100 percent mine, are you sure? do you want it... are you sure" winter said, rather shocked.

marjorie chuckled to herself. she knew if this was reece he would do the same. it was the fact he kept saying 'are you sure. the one thing marjorie couldnt figure out was whether he wanted the baby or not. if he didnt, which was unlikely, she knew that she would have to look after autumn.

"yes im okay with this. it is 100 percent yours. i do want the baby. and yes i am sure"  autumn smirked.

"wait so im going to be... a dad? im going to be a dad? OH MY GOD IM GOING TO BE A DAD!" winter jumped up and down.

autumn smiled, she wasnt going to hug him of course. maybe when they were alone, but not whilst there was company. at this point, marjorie finally walked in. just like winter, she wanted to celebrate this. but autumn wasnt up for hugging.

"autumn do you want a hug?" marjorie said, with teary eyes.

"hmmmm.. no." autumn smirked.

"winter?" marjorie asked

"bring it in because i am esctatic" winter laughed. 

the two hugged, jumping up and down . autumn wasnt two pleased with the amount of enthusiasm. but, she was going to let them have  there moment. plus, she did want to celebrate, just not this early. 

"IM HAVING A BABY!!" winter shouted.

"IM GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE!" marjorie chanted.


after around 5 more minutes of chaos, they all sat down on the dining table. it was mainly winter and autumn who needed to dicuss but marjorie claimed being autumns 'sister in law' meant she could be there too...

"okay so i believe we cam financially support our child without help. however work will be tricky as you would normally get home before me." autumn said, sounding very serious.

"well sorry if im butting in but auntie marjorie would always help. and plus, when the child is old enough it can go to the nursery. and with two parents working there, there is no fee." marjorie replied.

"well thats all good, isnt it!" winter finally spoke.


they all sat talking for around half an hour. they all had really different ideas, though. autumn was looking on the perspective of the unborn  baby. her motherly instincts were already kicking in, she wanted to know everything about childcare and where her child would be. everyone in the room knew she would be the best mother ever. even if she didnt have that role model in her own life. autumn was going to make sure her child always had a mother to love and care about them. winter had a slightly different approach. he was thinking about the cost of a child. he knew that autumn could afford it, but winter did have less money than her. he was excited, but also scared. not about being a father, winter had always wanted a child. but he knew how hard it would be. and finally marjories ideas. all she spoke about was how excited she was. and how excited reece would be.

they wasnt going to tell reece, yet. however they were planning on doing it soon. the rest of the nursery would know slightly. for example, charlotte would be the first to know due to her length of time working at the nursery. she was 27 years old, and had worked there since she was 20, not including apprenticeship. so it was just right she knew. then sorscha, and so on. 

roger would be the last person to know. thats if they even told him. winter thought it was right to tell him, but autumn really didnt want to talk to him. he made her childhood hell, the constant abuse. mental and physical. at this point, they were non contact. due to the realisation that her father was the reason she was unable to talk to her brother. 

winter did know about all of the commotion between the knight siblings and there father. and he knew that there was one thing that must be done. winter sweared that he would never ever treat his child how horrific the love of his life was treated. it sickens winter every single time he thinks about the terrors of autumns childhood. even more because of how sheltered winter was as a young person.



they always went to bed early, due to the time they arose. bedtime was a very peaceful time for the both of them. normally autumn would read, and winter would play music. they would sit in more than less silence, but tonight was far from different. they just sat and spoke.

"darling, are you feeling okay?" winter asked.

"yes, im just shaken. today has mad. i woke up, was sick and then found out i was pregnant." autumn answered.

"are you aware when our baby was concieved?" winter queried

"i have tracked it back to exactly the night of the party" autumn said.

they continued talking until 9:30. it was a constant conversation about the unborn child.

autumn was excited, winter was too. but they just knew this would cause alot  of drama around the nursery. especially with one peticular man. roger knight.


lmk what roger should do! and just a reminder that each character is mid 20s!

977 words ♡

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