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as usual, they woke up at around 5:30

"good morning my love, how are you and the baby?" winter asked.

"yes, and before you protest no matter what im going to work." autumn replied.

"okay darling. whatever you feel like but tell marjorie if you feel unwell. and take it easy."

after saying this, winter headed downstairs to get changed. winter had officially moved in, well basically. both he and autumn had agreed for winter to kind of live at autumns house. but they hadnt told anyone about that yet, not even reece. the baby had changed the circumstances but  only slightly. all that mattered now was that winter, autumn and there unborn child were together. 

around five minutes after winter, autumn would always get up. autumn typically was sick in the morning, but at around 11am it seemed to be. everything in there life for some reason had a pattern. e.g. the dead flowers from her father, the time they woke up and how long it would take marjorie to get drunk! the one thing they could count on was there routine. it always was reliable, unlike lots of things in autumns life.

yet the one thing that didnt to follow a pattern was her father having visits at the nursery. lots of the time he would out of the blue show up, not for any reason and definitely not to see his children.

"we are going to be late." autumn said, sat in the car.

"im here my sweet!" winter hurried in, kissing autumns cheek.

the drive in the morning was always so peaceful. the birds chirping, not a car in sight and the music from the radio playing. winter delicately placed his hand on autumns thigh. winter loved physical contact. the feeling of autumns perfect baby-soft skin was what he loved most. unfortunately for him, autumn hated touch. everything to do with it, and she could not stand hugs. they had come to an agreement of only hugging before bed. any other time it was forbidden. autumn however did allow winter to caress her. secretly, she did love that. the feeling of his large, manly hands touching her body sent shivers down aut's spine. 


at 7:00 they got to the nursery. winter was in the pre-school room with char and sorscha, autumn was in the office with marjorie.

"welcome back autumn. i believe your brothers going to be coming over at one point. however next time you have off i will be reporting to HR- wait. i apologise i forgot roger is your father." agatha said with a stern face.

"thanks, and okay." autumn walked into the office, to see marjorie grinning.

marjorie was sat in her chair. she was doing paper work, enrolling people etc. the second autumn came in her face lit up. not because she hadnt seen her, the full day marjorie was at her house, but just seeing her  face have a smile. the baby had really brought out  autumns smile. 

"autumn hi!!! i think agatha has already told you, but reece is coming at eleven." marjorie said.

"please dont flirt with him marjorie. i already feel nauseous as it is." autumn smirked.

 like usual, they spent the day talking. talking about everything, well everything but work: reece, winter, the baby, gossip. at 10:57, autumn ran out to the bathroom. this was the one thing she hated about this pregnancy, the constant sickness. but she knew it would pass. 

for some odd reason, marjorie followed her to the bathroom. she stood outside of the door whilst it happened, making sure autumn was okay. 

"aut, are you okay?" marjorie asked.

"yes." autumn sighed.

"please just let me know if you want me to come in, and if you may be sick again."

after saying that, someone entered from around the corner. 

"hey you." reece said.

"hey you! how are you?" marjorie said kissing reeces cheek.

"im fine, but is aut. i heard what you said. shes being sick in there, is she okay?" reece asked, slightly concerned.

autumn walked out, her face had regained colour from once being pale. she rolled her eyes at her brother, and then realised he knew something was going on. she had to tell reece. this wasnt how she imagined telling him, but she couldnt face the guilt of lying to him. this guilt had only been obtained when she became pregnant. usually, she could ruin some ones life and feel no guilt. but now that was different. 

"reece im pregnant." autumn said.

"w-w-w-what." reeces jaw dropped.

marjorie too was shocked, she didnt expect her to just let it out like that. it was the right decision, but she was shocked at autumns courage to tell him. to be honest, its not like he does not want a niece or nephew. once it sets in he will be buzzing, and she knew it.

"are you keeping it? is it winters? is winter happy? are you keeping it? are you happy about this? are you okay about this physically? are you keeping it?" reece asked, i think he wanted to know if she was keeping the baby, not sure though.

"yes i am keeping the baby, it is winters, he is happy, i am happy and i am physically prepared for this" autumn laughed.

marjorie held onto reeces hand, his reaction was going to be over the top, to say the least. he was like a young child when receiving good news. if marjorie didnt hold on tight, reece would be running around the building. 

"wait. so. im going to be.. an uncle? im going to be an uncle? IM GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!!!!!" reece jumped up and down.

"yes reece, yes you are." autumn giggled.

"calm down darling, you are going to make a hole in the floor." marjorie said, seriously.

"marjorie shush and let me have my moment, a little autumn is going to be running around my house!!" reece hugged marjorie and kissed her.

without warning, once again someone entered. a short silhouette of a man stood around the corner.

"an uncle i see, congratulations reece. but seriously autumn, a baby. cant stand them. even if it will be my own granddaughter." roger said, lurking from around the corner.


swear down all my chapters end with roger being a cunt.

1064 words ♡

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