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"hello autumn." marjorie said.

no response. autumn couldnt face talking to anyone. she wanted marjorie to be there but just to be company.

marjorie felt awful for autunn. the way she sat, sobbing and covered in makeup. she had never seen autumn in such an awful way.

"autumn if you want me to go i will. i just want to make sure you are okay, my love." marjorie tried to comfort her.

once again. no response.

"autumn i will go darling. please tell me you will stay safe and not drink too much"

"no please stay" autumn said.

marjorie turned back around. now, aututmn was facing her still teary eyed.

"okay aut. is there anything you want?" marjorie smiled.

"i will take that hug now."


autumn got up out her chair, and just hugged marjorie. marjorie held her tight, not letting go until autumn wanted her to.

autumns tears rolled down her cheeks, onto marjories top. even marjorie began to tear up. her best friend was feeling the worst pain imagineable, and she couldnt do much about it.

after 5 minutes the pair sat down on the bar stools. autumn ordered a full bottle of vodka, and marjorie bought a lemonade. if autumn was going to need taking home, marjorie had to be sober so she was okay.

it took autumn a fee drinks to start talking, but once she did she had to let out everthing. all autumn was thinking about was going to pour out, and into marjories ears.

"are you ready to talk now autumn?" marjorie said fully suspecting the same answer that she had been given the previous 5 times.

"yes." autumn replied.

"really? are you sure aut." marjorie asked.

marjorie had picked up on reeces nickname for autumn and she truly loved it. the name 'aut' was now reserved for reece and marjories use only.

"im ready."

autumn took a deep breath and started venting to marjorie. every last detail exited her me mouth.

"marjorie im not angry at this. i am just devesated. i have always wanted to raise a child. i wanted to be the mother i never had. and i thought that was all going to come true. yet i guess good things dont happen to me." autumn sighed.

"autumn im so sor-" marjorie said being cut off by autumn.

autumn just kept talking, and talking for hours. marjorie believed it was the most she had ever talked in her whole life. the pain aut had gone through, yet she had never bothered anyone about it. not one soul.

she hated telling people about her feelings. autumn saw it as weak, and showing a slight weakness that could be exploited by her dad.

yet tonight was different. it felt good to finally tell the story of her life. from when her mother left, to her fathers alcohol problems and of course the reason she began with alcohol. tears were shared, of course, but in the end a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.


at 11pm, marjorie decided to take autumn back home. for someone who rarely ever got drunk, autumn was extremely tipsy.

"marjoriieeeeeee.... i looovveee yooouuuu" autumn said, her speech incredibly slurred.

"i love you too aut. now come on lets get you home to winter." marjorie smirked.

"wiinntteerrrr? i miiisss myy looovveee sooooo muuccchh"

"come on then aut. lets get back home to him."

marjorie had told reece to pick them up. not because she had too much alcohol, she hadnt had a drop, but because he wanted to see her. even if she was smashed.

reece pulled up in his range rover, with teary eyes. he really wanted to be an uncle. and that obviously wasnt going to happen. but, he felt awful for autumn. all of the things that had happened to her. one good thing occours, and that is snatched away from her.

"hello love, hello aut. come on, aut in the back." reece smiled, putting on a brave face.

"heeeellllloooo reeeeecceeeyy" autumn said.

autumn flopped onto the back seats and fell straight into a deep sleep. folded over the seats, snuggled up against the window. knocked out cold.

"how is she, marge." reece asked, concerned.

"not good. she told me everything and i mean everything. i know her whole life story. i was litterally on the verge of tears, i cant believe how much youve been through." marjorie replied.

"oh god." reece frowned.

"hmm. and ive never seen her this drunk. i dont know what to do." marjorie shrugged.

"the best we can do is place her in bed and let her rest. do not remind aut on this night ever, i promise you she will not remember a thing."

"okay, my love." marjorie kissed reeces cheek.


10 minutes later, they all pulled up at autumns house. winter was sat on the door step. he had been waiting for autumn since 10 minutes to 11. he had missed his girl friend dearly.

marjorie got out of the car, and went to hug winter. he looked heartbroken. reece held autumn in his arms. same as before, she was fast asleep.

"autumn has told me everything. shr has really vented about all that has happened to her. however, i dont think she will be sober for another day or two." marjorie smiled.

"good luck with her winter. you will need it." reece smirked, handing over autumn.

marjorie waved, and they headed home. now winter was stood alone, holding a sleeping autumn in his arms.

he stood for half an hour, just staring into the dark nothingness surrounding him. the day had been surreal, his worst fear had happened. and for the first time in his life, he was unaware what to do. winters world had been crushed.

he went inside, and placed autumn in the bed. leaning over to kiss her, he whispered something in her ear.

"i love you, my darling. no matter what. this will not tear us apart. even if it feels bad now, we will get through this. i promise."


im so sorry for not updating. i have been so busy with my personal life due to some things going on but i will try mantain a more regular uploading secdule.

1040 words ♡

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