Chapter Ten: The Reason I Play

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  The twisted sublime nature of music is purely based off of emotion. I was always told that a musician needed emotion behind their pieces. The piano could sing and dance from just your fingers, but you won't ever flesh out the instrument itself without pure passion. I learned to play the piano at a very young age and daily I would play at night until midnight would pass. Those nights were always so long and refreshing, but tiring sometimes. Also, strangely inviting to me. But, ever since Lavi came back into my life...I've been having problems.

  I never wanted to play the piano.

  It's not that I simply couldn't play the instrument--I just didn't feel the need to play anymore. Whatever lingering desire I had before Lavi showed up had disappeared. Music didn't spark my interest anymore, instead...Lavi was my top priority.

  The obsession growing inside me really had devoured me whole. Every second, minute, and hour I'm thinking about him, whether it's small or big. I just couldn't concentrate on music and my thoughts were really invaded by his presence.

  As I sat before the same piano I've had for years, I couldn't bring myself to play. Instead, I touched my lips and reminded myself of Lavi. It was so amazing kissing him. A bundle of hot emotion and raging static bounced around in my body when our lips touched. It made me even desire him more. I was just glad I could get my feelings out, usually people couldn't always tell the truth when it counts.

  The door to my room swung open and a familiar girl charged in, "Flo, why aren't you playing?!"

  "Clair?" I gave her a side-way look.

  The platinum blonde bounced over to me, "I heard from my brother that you gave up playing this week. Are you sure about this? The competition is right around the corner!"

  I couldn't answer. My heart was unsure and even if I did play--my heart wouldn't be in the music itself. I lacked devotion already, but now I lost the will to even play. I huffed and my shoulders slumped, "I may withdraw."

  "Flo..." She whispered, her eyes troubled by my answer.

  "Is that what you really want?"

  We both looked to the door and there was a young man, leaning against the door frame. Clair stood straight, "Eric..."

  "That doesn't matter. I can't play anymore." I growled, sinking my nails into my jeans.

  He was silent after my words. He moved over to the piano, touching the jet black surface gently, a flicker of concern crossed his eyes, "There's a cloud over your heart, Flo. I've noticed it since the beginning of the week. Your desire as a musician isn't gone, Flo. Only extinguished temporarily by the problem troubling you. No musician can play truly with a troubled mind. Fix your problem, then give me your answer."

  "But, I--" I started, shooting up.

  "Why abandon something that brought a bit of meaning into your life? This piano--" He tapped his hand on the smooth surface. "--this is the piano that brought out a side of you that can only be shown through music. To give up on this...all the practicing was for nothing!"

  Eric's curly amber hair washed over his forehead as he stared at me with his peerless hazel eyes. He wasn't the type to argue with me, but his words meant sound. Sighing, he retreated back to the door, scratching over his thin, amber beard. "Do whatever you wish, Flo. Only you can decide whether you choose the piano. Just know, that it had chose you from the very beginning."

  He left after that. Clair grabbed my shoulder, "Think about it, Flo. This isn't like you."

  I nodded eventually and she left me to my thoughts, retreating to my window and looking down at the entrance of the apartment complex. I looked over at her and noticed she was looking intently at something outside. Curious, I asked her, "What are you looking at?"

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