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I never always had money. Growing up I lived in a 3 bedroom house with 8 people, it was tight but we made it fit. I slept in the living room with my 'youngest' sister and eventually her boyfriend when he got kicked out at 18.  One of the bedrooms went to my oldest sister, her husband and daughter, then my grandma got one and for obvious reasons, my parents got the master. While growing up, I never had anything to do. We were too short of money to do extracurriculars that were outside of school. I joined my schools cheer team and soon found out that was something I would like to do in my future although cheer wasn't a career path I had fun flipping and pushing the limits to try to do the impossible. One day while at practice some scouts came to check out our practice and had pulled me aside to ask if I would like to cheer for them. I obviously told them I would love to, but I didn't have the money and that's when they offered me a full ride to an All-Star cheer gym. After many interviews and begging my parents to agree, I had signed up for them. Turns out they were on a hunt for a base and a flyer and after much looking, they finally found both but the season had been well started and the team had known each other for about 2 months by the time I joined. I was new to the All-star cheer world, in the beginning half the time I didn't even know what I was doing. The flyer that had joined the same time I did knew the girls because she had cheered with them before kinda took me in as her partner in crime. Everyone had already knew the routine and we were learning it together. We were even in the same stunt group and were together almost 80% of the routine. We talked a lot and I feel like she knew this was my first time doing All-Star and she gravitated to that in the sense of she felt like she could be help to me. Later she would become my long time friend and partner Ariana Brooks. She was perfect. When we had met she had short shoulder length hair and freckles that shined brighter than the moon on late nights. As we grew up her hair got longer, it was less brown and had highlights in it and slowly her freckles were hidden behind makeup but no matter how old we got or how much shit our lives were in her smile always managed to make its way onto her face. I think her smile was the most perfect thing about her. Like a mirrorball she was broken into a million pieces but never failed to shine. I don't think I'll ever get over her but I know she was my soulmate and in somehow, someway we are interlinked and destined to meet again.

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