• Christmas 2020 •

Out of all the things in the world the one thing Covid didn't stop was Christmas. It's like everything I loved got ripped away from me except the one thing I hate. As my eyes laid in the mirror in front of me, I scanned my body that was covered in a silk emerald green dress that touched the floor. It was absolutely perfect. I had small 2 inch black heels, and my hair curled down to my waist. I touched up my nude pink lipstick before I heard my mom yell for me to hurry up. We have to be absolutely perfect for my dad's dinner parties. For some reason he thinks it'll help him get the promotion he's been going for. I don't think so but I do it for him, I guess.


As my dad knocked on the huge two-story white building in front of us, the door automatically swung open.
"The Rodrigo's it's a pleasure." The doorman said to my dad making way for us to walk by. As we did one by one, my mom and then both my sisters, as well as I handed our sweaters off to the doorman nodding our head as a 'thank you' before walking in to the beautiful house. My heels clicked on the floor as Christmas decorations hung from all over the place. Walking into the main ballroom I am blown away by the 9 foot Christmas tree in the center of the room. It is absolutely breathtaking. I don't know how rich people do it like they get to live this life every day, it's insane. I am quickly brought out of my thought, as my sister nudges me in my side, causing me to gasp.
"What was that for!" I whisper shout and she nods to the people in front of us. My dad shaking hands with Mr. Smith, smiles. Mr. Smith is the owner of the company my dad works for. He's the big guy. The only reason why we spend Christmas at this horrid place. It's not terrible. It's just the people here who make it bad and no one wants to talk about business on Christmas. All I hear is business. "We need the money" "I need the promotion" "business this business that" it sucks. But if we're gonna be here, hopefully we can at least make the time worth it. I stand up straight and put a fake smile on my face, pretending I'm listening to the conversations he's having with my dad and mom, I pretend like it's the most entertaining thing I've heard all year, although I couldn't care less. It was something about the stock market, business doing good and a couple other words that I didn't understand, but that doesn't matter. Right when I was about to trail away is when he looks at me.
"Margo, you've grown since last time I saw you, sorry remind me of that again."
"It was the Summer Dinner Sir." I smile now realizing both my sisters were lucky enough to sneak away.
"Right." he says with one of those rich laughs that you could hear a mile away. It's a laugh that just screams money and "I sit on my private yacht during the summer". I just send him a smile, hoping he'll go back to talking to my parents so I can leave.
"Andrew would love to have a dance with you this evening." Mrs, Smith smiles budging into the conversation. I glance at my dad before he shakes his head. I take a deep breath before saying.
"I'll have to take up that offer!" Knowing I want nothing more than to be away from this place.
"Andrew, Dear! Come here!" Mrs. Smith yells over the music to the table next to us. The second my eyes meet with the table I see a tall figure stand-up. A boy with blonde hair and green eyes wearing a black suit walks over to the side of his mom.
"Andrew you remember Margo right?" His mom smiles.
"How could I forget I've only met her a half couple dozen times!" He jokes knowing who I am fully but anyway I smile not wanting much more of this. Before I can say anything, he takes my hand in his and kisses right above my knuckles, he then looks up into my eyes sending me a smile.
"I shouldn't let this Young Lady wait any longer, let's go have a dance!" He smiles as his hand finds its way into mine before he is leading me away from our parents. THANK GOODNESS.
"Thank you." I send him a smile even though his back is facing me.
"Oh it's not that easy, we have to dance." He smirks as he turns so we are face to face before he places his hand on my waist.
"Andrew." I warn before following his lead.
"I know calm down, pretty girl." He smirks as I roll my eyes. I've known Andrew since I was 6 so going on 7 years now, our parents have kind of been pushy towards us becoming best friends over the years. I can't hate it that much because it's not the worst. At least I have some friends to look forward to when coming to these dumb business dinners. Andrew turns me before his hands find their way back to my waist, slowly leading me closer and closer towards the exit as we dance.
"You really do hate this don't you?" He questioned as a smile spreads across his face, and he feels the air with laughter. I tried my best to not meet his eye contact. I just shake my head not wanting to give him any attention.
"Okay calm down, Tiger." he says as he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the nearest exit.
"Don't call me that." I say sternly as the cold air hits my face, as I'm slowly walking over to the railing of the patio. I placed my elbows on the railing as I lean my bodyweight onto it.
"You really do hate these business meetings that much?"
"You know the answer better than anyone else." I whispered to him as he 'Mhm' in a response. I lick my lips looking out into the humongous field in front of me. Andrew's house is so huge. They host all holidays here and even the business summer party. It blows my mind all the time how they manage to fit almost 1000 people in their house and it not be a tight fit. I hear a click as I turn my head to face him. He has a cigarette place between his two lips as he lights the end of it he puts his lighter back in his left pocket as he takes a deep breath, taking his cigarette in between his two fingers and pulling it out, blowing out the smoke before offering it to me. I take a deep breath before taking the cigarette from his fingers and placing it between my own, and then close my eyes as I slowly put the cigarette between my lips. I've never smoked a cigarette before, but I have smoked my sister's vape and how different can it be? As I take a deep breath, my lungs are filled with the burning air instead of a cooling sensation, it takes everything in me not to cough as I blow out the smoke pinching my eyes shut. It's like I could feel the smoke run through my veins. I then hand the cigarette back over to Andrew.
"Anyways I guess I'll see you at New Year's then Dance Buddy!" Andrew smiles before slowly walking away.
"What?!" I basically shout as I turn to meet his face.
"I saw your family on the invite list. I'm proud to say Margo Rodrigo you have made a step up, See you next year!" He smiles.
"Wait!" I yell as he turns back in my direction.
"Where are you going?"
"I got Lady's waiting Ms. Rodrigo." He smiles sending me a wink before leaving me alone. I can almost gag of the thought of spending New Year's here. I hate these business parties. I don't know why they do them. I don't think anyone enjoys them. The kids just sit around doing rich kids stuff and getting high on whatever drugs they can get their hands on. My mom gets too drunk to remember the night and my dad does everything in his willpower to try to get on the Smith's good side. Christmas is the absolute worst holiday ever and I can't imagine how New Year's is going to be.

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