Friday, April 23, 2021

At lunch I didn't play into that random phone numbers game they have given me nothing so I don't owe them anything back. If this had to do with Liam then he will text me at the end. If it so happens that this break made him as heart broke as he's been playing it out to be, then he'll text or something. He wasn't one to stay quiet.
As I walked up the street turning into main, I was wearing my well used converse that were always laced all the way up, low raised blue baggy jeans and a black crop top that stopped right above my bellybutton.

Ariana.Brooks • 6:43PM
Text me when you get home!

Ariana.Brooks • 6:44PM
Have fun & stay safe!!! x

I look down at the text from my best friend as I send her a couple back before putting my phone back into my back pocket.
"You know it's dangerous to walk alone." A voice made me jump as I turned around to come face to face with a boy who's been around a lot more then I'd like to admit. His cigarette hung loosely from his lips as I smile before taking the cigarette from his lips and placing it between my own instead, taking a long hit, I know I need it.
"You know it's dangerous to sneak up on girls you never know what would happen." I say as I turn to continue walking up this street.
"So you're finally out of that cheer gym." Jay says as he follows closely behind me. Every Friday other than Football Fridays my friends were alway found at Main and would always ask me to join but 99.99% of the time I was at the cheer gym. I wasn't at the gym for a scheduled practice with my team or anything I was at the gym because I needed to practice. If it wasn't for all these random numbers texting me I probably would be at the gym right now but I needed something to get everything out of my head. Even though Main wasn't the place I had in mind I knew I could find the solution to my problems right here. Lucky for me the solution found its way to me first.
"Yeah I haven't been to Main in a while I wanted to see what I was missing." I say as I turn to face my solution that as I expected wasn't far behind me.
"Well I can tell you you're not missing much." He laughs. I place the cigarette that was sitting between my fingers back in my mouth trying to feel anything.
"You good Margo?" Jay asks with concern filling his voice.
"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask stopping in my tracks as I turn to face him blowing the smoke out of my mouth as I talk.
"I've heard all the rumors you know?" He says before he pauses.
"Everyone knows." He continues.
"I didn't cheat." I say like it's obvious as I place the cigarette back in between my lips before turning to walk as Main finally comes into my view.
"I know you didn't and I know he's a lying piece of shit but no one else know that." He says again.
"Jay just drop it." I say as I throw the cigarette on the floor stepping on it making sure it's all the way out before running over to where our friends normally sit.


As I sat with my back against some tree I watched as my friends fall deeper and deeper into conversation. Allison for the first time ever was wrapped in the arms of Joshua Jones, we all called him Josh but he was one of Liam's friends and was well known in our school. How he ended up with a group of sophomores as a senior football captain? I don't know. But yet here he was joking around and making good conversation with a couple people in my friend group. Isabella who was wrapped in her boyfriend's hoodie sat next to me with her head on my shoulder as she listened to whatever Delilah, Alex and Josh were talking about. I was brought out of my thought when my phone buzzed in my back pocket.

(XXX) XXX - XXXX • 9:32PM
We warned you Rodrigo.

What the fuck does this person want. I think to my self as for the first time all week I finally come up with a text to send back to the.

Margo.Rodrigo • 9:33PM
I don't even know you. How am I
supposed to be scared of you?

I send the message before my head is shooting up due to the blonde girl next to me squealing excitedly before jumping to her feet. I turn to watch the direction Isabella is running to before I'm met with eyes I'd rather like to forget.
"You came!" She shouts as she jumps into her boyfriend's arms. Beside them was Liam side my side some blonde girl as she tried her best to keep Liam's arm grabbed around herself. But more importantly Jay, he stood slightly beside them hand in hand with August. Talking to the enemy, Liam. How could he? He was one of my best friends. He was my solution but at this moment he was making another problem for me. My eyes meet with the blonde next to Liam as she holds eye contact with me pulling out her phone she looks down before meeting my eyes again.

McKenzie fucking Fuller.

Liam was dating Mac. That's a new fucking low. I shake my head before I was met with my phone buzzing in my back pocket.

Found you.

I read the text as I look back up to meet the green eyes of McKenzie Fuller my 8th grade best friend.
"You fucking bitch." I whisper under my breath as I walk straight up to her a smile growing on her face.
"You're the fucking random number?" I say as I shout not giving a fuck about who hears me.
"Mhm it looks like someone lost their head." She laughs looking at Liam before placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Who does this girl think she is baby?" She whispers in his ear loud enough to make sure I hear exactly what she was saying.
"She's a no one." he laughs as he looks me up and down. She kisses his cheek one more time before turning to face me again.
"That's right she's a nobody." She smiles agreeing with him.
"Why don't you talk to me and stop agreeing with everything your little boyfriend is saying." I say taking a step up, my blood boiling. McKenzie mimics me by taking a step away from Liam and towards me.
"I said you're a nobody." She says as she comes so close I can feel her breath on my face. My eyes burn daggers into hers.
"Well apparently I'm known enough for random psychos to get my phone number without asking." I say biting back. Before anyone can say anything my left cheek is stinging from the way her hand struck my face. My mouth falls open in shock.
"Don't you call me a fucking psycho." She says biting her bottom lip as she looks at where she just slapped me.
"You like bitch better? You fucking bitch!" I say before I'm launching my body towards her. It all happened so fast as I raised my fist to punch her right across the face. I think it was more of an adrenaline rush than anything. I couldn't see my friends let alone try to look for them but I knew they were near by from their voices echoing in the background. The crowd got bigger as I was thrown over someone's shoulder.
"Put me down." I screamed kicking and punching the person who picked me up.
"That's enough." The voice I know to familiar said.
"Fuck you Jay." I said continuing to fight myself out of his grasp, but he's too strong that I don't make any progress.
"You're fucking lucky the Cops weren't there Rodrigo." He says as he finally places me down on a bench in the park across the street.
"Fuck you." I say shaking my head.
"She got you good." He says as his finger comes up to trace my lip.
"Does that hurt?" He adds before his hand goes to his jean pocket.
"Leave me alone." I say as I touch were his fingers once touched. I bring my hand down and see the blood from my lip lingering on my fingertips. He then places a cigarette between his lips lighting it before handing it over to me and I take it without a word.
"It's weed, it'll help you forget about that fucked up mess." He says as he sits on the bench next to me. Finally the solution to my problem that I've been waiting for all night. Weed. Okay. I have never smoked week before but I've heard it can make you forget for a little bit. It's a well needed distraction especially one I need right now. I inhale the smoke before blowing it out scrunching my nose at the smell.
"Once you finish that I'm walking you home." He says as a statement more than a question.
"I can walk home alone." I say back taking another hit of the weed.
"You're funny." He says shaking his head.

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