Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Like the many days that have followed this month I am once again sat on my bed doing my makeup the best I can with my hand held mirror and zero sleep. I try my best to cover the dark circles that are forming under my eyes and try to take away some of the redness in my eyes by applying a layer of eyeliner on my water line before making the perfect wing to got with it.
"Okay let's go, we are going to be late." My sister said as she entered the room to grab her bag before leaving again. Since my oldest sister has moved out about a week ago now my other sister Alice who is only a few years younger than her has taken over her room, kinda of. We are going to move out by the end of the month so there's not point in Alice moving out of this room completely to just have to pack everything up again in a week or two. Since my dad's promotion things have been very different. He not only was able to buy us a new house but my sister a apartment right in the middle of Los Angeles California, which is only like 20 minutes from where we live but it is a big step up. You can't compare our house to her apartment, it screamed luxury. Soon we were going to take that big step by the end of this month I'm going to be a Beverly Hills girl, that's crazy to think but it's happening.
My backpack hung loosely over my shoulders as I kept my head down while I slowly walked to class. I was already 15 minutes late there's no point in rushing now, if I'm going to be late might as well be LATE.
"Margo." I heard my name be called from behind.
"Hey Margo." The voice called again as I picked up my head and turned around. My eyes automatically paired with a pair I know a little to well, Jay.
"Hey Jay!" I smiled as I walked over to him.
"You know class started 15 minutes ago right?" He smiled at me.
"Oh really? I didn't know that." I shrug my shoulders playing dumb.
"Very Funny." He shook his head.
"Where are you off too?" He added.
"Maths." I sigh.
"Maths first thing in the morning that sucks. I'll walk you." He smile as he reached into his pocket to grab his pack of cigarettes. He takes one and lit it, taking a hit before we turn to walk in the direction I once walked in.
"Soo, you all good Rodrigo?"
"Yup." I smile nodding.
"Why?" I question.
"You look like shit." He sighed like it was nothing taking another hit.
"Just tried." I reply back.
"Mhm." He says nodding.
"Sophomore slump." He says like it's obvious.
"I thought that was only a Senior thing?" I smile.
"Yeah but I think your brain gives out when it wants to, it doesn't wait for a certain time." He laughed.
"My brain has not given out." I state back upset.
"I don't mean your dumb if that's what your mistaking it as, I'm just saying you're body knows when too much is too much so it turns into a slump when it can't handle anymore."  He smiles, but it's soon wiped clean from his face as I take the cigarette out of his mouth and I'm quick to put it between mine taking a long much needed hit. I close my eyes blowing the smoke out before throwing the cigarette on the floor and stepping on it.
"Smoking's back you know." I say as I turn to knock on my classrooms door.

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