Monday, April 26, 2021

When Monday came I was more tried than ever.

Ariana.Brooks • 8:34AM
I think she was just trying to be nice.

I read Ariana's message as I sit in the back corner of my first period class; Maths. We didn't leave the party till it was well over, my dad stayed later because him and Jonathan Smith were too drunk to separate. You would think two businessman like them, especially the owner of the company would come off more professional at these dinner parties but they didn't care especially not on Sunday barbecues apparently. I stayed up late to finish my homework and even later on the phone with Ariana. Running on 1 hour of sleep I pick up my phone before sending a quick text to Ariana.

Margo.Rodrigo • 8:35AM
I know but besides that, it was the
normal boring mess it always is.

Margo.Rodrigo • 8:36AM
I'm going to see the new house
after school on Thursday if you wanna
come with.

Margo.Rodrigo • 8:37AM
You can give me tips to decorate
my new room.

I then place my phone down silently begging she'll say yes but before I can pick up my pencil and coping down the notes that are on the broad I have already gotten a text back. I rush to pick up my phone not caring one bit in the math lesson. It's not like I'm going to be here next week anyway.

Liam Lawson • 8:37AM
Please let me talk to you.
I just want to explain.

Liam Lawson • 8:38AM
Just meet me by the lockers
before lunch.

I look down at my phone feeling disappointed the text wasn't from my best friend as I sigh to myself. So far I haven't heard anything about what happened on Friday night with the fight, not even from my friends which was extremely unexpected I would be lying if I didn't say I wasn't trying my hardest to avoid them this morning. As my phone vibrates in my hand, I shake my head. I swear Liam. I turn my phone back on typing in my password before going to my messages app.

Ariana.Brooks • 8:40 AM
I'd love to tag along!!

Ariana.Brooks • 8:41AM
I've never been to Hollywood before!
It better look just like the movies!

Even though Hollywood was like an hour drive with traffic from where our small town was, it wasn't normal for the average person to have been to Hollywood. It was close, but it wasn't close enough for like a day trip so I understood why she was excited to see the new city. On the other hand I've gotten the lucky and unlucky privilege to go to Hollywood every month since I was four for these dumb parties my dad has. I bet if it wasn't for them I would actually have a good connection with the City, but I don't. Dinner parties set aside I actually love Hollywood, but for some reason I dread going so much.

Margo.Rodrigo • 8:42 AM
YESSSSS!!!! I'll see you Thursday!!

Margo.Rodrigo • 8:43 AM
You have to sleepover once
we are moved in!

I smile at my phone as the school bell rings breaking me out of my trance. I put my phone in my back pocket as I pack up my maths supplies, shove it in my bag before walking to my next class.


I would have to say avoiding my friends was harder than I thought I was able to make it through the full day, almost. It was the end of the school day and I was currently walking to the girls locker room to turn in my pom-poms trying my best to avoid any of my friends that might be around. For some reason, my friends love to hang back after school and just chill around the schoolyard, that's how boring our town was. We had nothing to do after school on weekdays that they would hang out at school voluntarily. I never understood it, but then again I always had cheer practice and was too busy to hang out with them to see what the fun was about. As I was making the last turn at the end of the hallway a hand grabbed my wrist, and before I could turn around to say anything, other hand went over my mouth, pulling me into the nearby storage room. I screamed trying my best to pull myself out of this persons grip.
"Shhh." The persons lips lightly brushed my ear as I was pinned to a wall coming face-to-face with the one and only Liam Lawson. His hand still over my mouth as for the first time today we made eye contact. So much for not being seen. He smirked before his lips quickly attach themselves to my neck.
"I'm so sorry." He whispered into my neck placing a light kiss right under my jawline.
"I never wanted to hurt you." He says leaving another kiss as I tried to force my body out of his hands, his free hand pinned me forcefully to the wall.
"I love you." He says as his kisses burn into my skin, I shake my head, taking my hands, trying my hardest to push him away.
"Leave me alone." I cry as he hushes me his hand blocking all my screams and pleads.
"Liam." I whisper into his hand as he kisses my collarbone.
"Shhh baby it's all okay." Tears fall free from my eyes as I shake my head not being able to push this football player off my body. His hand on my waist slowly moves so his fingers brush the band of my underwear.
"Liam, Liam stop." I scream into his hand as he laughs placing his forehead on mine.
"Baby you're ridiculous don't pretend you don't want it, you whore." He says, his eyes not leaving mine as his hand finds its away in my pants, I close my eyes and pretend I'm in bed. I pretend that this is all one awful nightmare and I will wake up soon. But as I feel him press his body closer to mine I know I'm not going to wake up anytime soon.

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