• New Year's 2021 •

I could've waited a whole other year before New Year's, but less than a weeks after Christmas here I was staring at myself in the mirror,  a small glittery black dress on with 3 inch heels. I have my red lipstick in my hand as I'm applying it to my lips, staring at myself, slowly wishing all the things I could fix. I could've spared a few meals or maybe done my hair differently so it pleases my face more. But as the time slowly ticks down, I realize I only have five minutes till I have to leave and it's all useless. I place my lipstick down taking a deep breath before looking myself up and down in the mirror in front of me I don't like who I am, but I don't think I ever did. I don't remember ever being happy with myself, I don't know why now at this moment I need everything to be perfect. I want to be perfect, but I've never been perfect in my whole life so why does it matter now?
As we arrived to the Smith's Manor the cold air brushed on my legs as I handed my fur coat to the doorman. I nodded in a 'Thank You' before my heels clicked down the halls of this huge home. The house was decorated much differently than it was at Christmas. The halls were now filled with gold and silver decorations. It was beautiful. 
As we got deeper into the night, the atmosphere around me felt warm and majority of people here weren't in their right mind for the most part. I just stayed to myself as I watched the people around me get drunker and drunker.  The music blast through the ball room as I felt a presence behind me.
"You're going to need this." a familiar voice said to me as he handed a drink for me to take.
"I don't-" before I can finish my sentence Andrew cut me off.
"I won't tell." he said, offering me the drink again. I shook my head, taking the drink, knowing he wouldn't back down from it.
"What is it." I spit my words out like venom not wanting to talk to him.
"A little bit of whiskey." he said nonchalantly, as he took his own cup that mirrored mine and placed it between his lips taking a sip.
"Just starting up the night." He smiled down at me. He stood tall, towering over me as he took his hand and ran it through his blonde hair he stirred straight into the crowd of people dancing, but for some reason, I couldn't tear my eyes away from a side profile.
"Not really." I whispered hoping he wouldn't pick it up to drag out this conversation. To my dismay, he heard it.
"The New Year starts in 10 minutes you don't want to start with a pissy attitude." He marks.
"I also don't want to start in a place I don't like but here I am." I mumble frustrated finally bringing the drink to my lips taking a sip, I shook my head as the liquor burned my throat, closing my eyes, I cleared my throat before turning to face Andrew, his eyes never leaving the dance floor in front of him.
"You might what to finish that drink." he says before I watch his head tilt into a different direction. My eyes follow to where he was facing as I'm met with my dad and Mr. Smith right next to the DJ Booth.
"What's that about?" I question, but before he can answer, Mr. Smith is picking up a microphone, tapping it three times sending the room quiet.
"Hello Everyone." Mr. Smith's voice echoed through out the room.
"It's the start of a long night." Andrew answers quietly.
"Thank you so much for joining us Tonight to ring in the New Year." Mr.Smith said as the room abrupted into the cheers and people clapping.
" The company has reached goals, we didn't think we're possible this year alone and I can't wait to see what the new year holds for all of us." He smiles pausing for more cheers.
"Without fail this year would not have been possible without the hardships of Mr. Rodrigo." He continues as he steps aside for my dad to get some of the spotlight the crowd only cheers louder.
" Mr. Rodrigo has been my right hand man this year, and I wouldn't have done it without him." He takes an other pause.
"It's a good moment to finish that drink of yours." Andrew whispered into my ear as his eyes didn't leave his dad's direction, clapping with the crowd. I take a deep breath, knowing he was right before, placing my lips to the rim of the glass, finishing the two shots of whiskey that seemed to be in the glass. My nose twitched and my eyes shut as a liquid burned my throat.
"Waiters please take this moment to pass out the drinks to our amazing guest." Mr Smith said and like robots waiters automatically came around, handing out champagne to the guest.
"Mr. Rodrigo due to your hard work I would love if we could end this year, right." As his voice echoed throughout the room, I placed my empty glass on the tray, grabbing a champagne glass and holding it tightly in my hands, knowing what was coming next.
"It would only be right if we celebrated the new year as you stepping up to being my Head of Business Manager." My dad, smiled before shaking hands with Mr. Smith, the room, chanting, and clapping louder than before if it was even possible. I shake my head, not knowing how this was possible I mean okay it's great for my dad. He finally got the promotion he's been going for, but what does that mean for me? It means way more of these business parties and dealing with selfish assholes who grew up on nothing but money like Andrew.
"Let's start the count down, Shall we?" Mr. Smith says as if he was the one to be controlling when we would be running into the new year. As the Clock ticked down to midnight cheers and clapping got louder and louder. When the clock struck midnight confetti falls from the ceiling and the room was filled with people saying "Happy New Years." I took the champagne that was in my hand and downed it without even thinking, the drink was gone in four seconds I knew it was rude, but I could care less at this moment.
"I should go find my mom." I said to Andrew before I walked away.
"Happy New Years!" he shouted to me as I buried myself in the crowd of people.
I tried to talk to my mom and dad knowing they both knew what was happening tonight and why they didn't tell me or prepare me. I also got hit by a ton of 'Congratulations' from people I didn't know, many people tried giving me hugs or shaking my hands because a promotion in this business was huge, especially the one my dad got. It felt like all eyes were on me and my family that night, but it was because they were not because I was imagining it. Andrew was right this was the start of one long and hectic night.

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