Monday, May 3, 2021

As I sat on my balcony railing at 6AM I brought the pre-roll that was in my hand to my mouth taking a hit not feeling anything as the smoke fills my lungs. As I watched the sunrise over my back yard my phone vibrated in my back pocket. I carefully take my free hand off the railing, where I was holding myself as I take my phone out of my pocket, trying my best, not to lose my balance while sitting on my balcony railing, although it wouldn't suck if I just fell and ended everything right now.

Ariana.Brooks • 6:14 AM
Good Morninggg!!!

Ariana.Brooks • 6:16 AM
I promise todays going to go

Ariana.Brooks • 6:17 AM
I can't believe your a private
school kid now!

I read the text from my friend who just sent me a 'Good Night' text less than 3 hours ago. Feeling lightheaded from another night of no sleep, I take a final drag from my pre-roll before throwing it off my balcony where it lands in my pool. I then swing my legs back over the right side of my balcony so I can stand up and walk into my room, some boxes laid next to the door of my balcony as I skipped around the mess even though majority of my stuff was unpacked, I still had a couple things that I didn't know what to do with just laying around.

Margo.Rodrigo • 6:20 AM

Margo.Rodrigo • 6:21 AM
I could wait an other lifetime
before becoming a private school kid.

After sending her a quick text I launch my phone towards my bed before walking into my restroom that connected to my bedroom. Closing the door behind me I peel off my jeans from yesterday and throw my baggy shirt over my head before hopping in the shower. I turn on the water and let the ice cold water soak into my body liking the way it burns.


As I sat on a brown chair in the middle of the principal's office wearing a plaid skirt and a white shirt that had a yellow logo on it the principal stood to her feet.
"We are delighted to have you here at Venice with us, I've heard so much about you at your last school. ASB sophomore president and you were a big part of your schools cheer team. You'll fit in just well here. I would be lying if I said this campus was easy to manage. I have to admit I got lost a few times my first time around here." She pauses to chuckle pushing a strand of her black hair to her back before continuing.
"Now these are all your classes, we tried our best to match your schedule to your old one, to keep some similarities around you. I couldn't imagine this move was easy, especially in the middle of your high school career." She says as she hands me a paper of all my classes.
"Now I also know you put in a special request to take Drivers Ed during our summer program and I'm delighted to tell you that you got accepted." She smiles down at me. They offer Drivers Ed to a small portion of students and I couldn't pass up the opportunity when it came. It sounded like the one good thing that could've came out of the school. Before everything happened I hoped to get my permit so I can drive myself to school and not have to move schools. But now it just seems pointless. But also knowing there is only 30 seats in that class, I know I can't just let it go so even though I don't need my permit, I will be sitting in those two hour classes this June.
"Now if you can come with me I've had a special person request to give you a tour around the school. They'll be walking you to every one of your classes today and hopefully will be a lunch, buddy. I know you'll get along just well." She says as her heels click on the floor of the school, leading me out of her office and into the waiting room nearby. Before I fully step out of her office, I see a face I know all too well.
"Margo this is our football captain Andrew Smith, He'll be helping you to your classes today." She smiles politely at me. My eyes meeting Andrew holding the urge to roll them. I softly sigh, hoping she doesn't hear.
"Thank you Mrs.Whitemore I'll take it from here." Andrew smiles as his green eyes stare into her brown ones. There was nothing wrong with Andrew. It was just his family. I think part of the reason why I hate him so much is because I know his dad has everything to do with the reason why my family is where it is. I hate how if he wanted to he can rub the success of my family in my face because his family handed us what we have. I also hate the fact that him and his little friend group always denied my friendship until recently when my dad got the promotion.
"Of course." She nods before turning towards me.
"I hope your first day of school with us is better than you could've ever imagine." She smiles as her hand goes up to squeeze my shoulder, and I flinch as the simple touch burns into my skin. As she walks away Andrew begins to walk out of the office and I begin to follow him, not knowing what else to do.
"Miss. Rodrigo Welcome to Venice Private High School. We are the blah blah, blah, blah blah blah blah. Did I miss anything? I hope not!" he says, as he throws the piece of paper he was holding into the trash before turning to me.
"Sorry I didn't go around this weekend to check out your new house." he says with absolutely no emotion in his voice. His body towers over mine as I follow in his shadow.
"Let me see your schedule." He says as he turns to face me taking the paper out of my hands before I can say anything.
"Good Morning to you too." I spit back, making sure I leaving at a foot distance between us.
"Your lucky my mom call and made sure I got assigned to you specifically or else you could've been left with fucking Young." He says shaking his head as his eyes scan my schedule.
"Who's Young?" I ask as goosebumps grow on my skin feeling thrown off.
"No one to you. That fucker can go burn in hell." He says like venom.
"Now, You got maths first with Quinn who talks slower than a turtle fucking moves it'll be harder to not fall asleep in that class then what you're gonna learn." He says going back to read my schedule. For some reason, I've never seen Andrew like this. He seems so laid-back and almost tired. His white collar was peeking out of his school crewneck as his hand ran through his hair. I've seen Andrew in black-tie attire, but never in school wear. I've also only seen the business front that he puts on so to see him alone with no one around us was strange because it never happened.
"Then English, Lang 1, Study Hall, Chem, World History and" He pauses for a second as he bites his bottom lip rereading the last class for what seems like a couple times, not being able to grasp what it says.
"Then sports?" He asks almost like a question before he turns on his heels to look at me.
"You do sports?" He asks.
"I guess." I replied, dumbfounded, not knowing that I was in a sport.
"Weird. I'll ask about it when it comes." He says as he turns walking into a hallway labeled 'Maths'
"These are all the Math class rooms yours is the 3rd to last door." He says slowing down so I can catch up with him. As we get to my classroom he turns to face me.
"Now after your class is done you're going to wait by the door and I'm going to come pick you up because if you are late or can't find yourself to your next class, I'm the one who's gonna get shit for it and I'll be benched on Friday's game do you understand?" He says as his green eyes turn dark. I do nothing, but nod my head for some reason I can't speak and my body completely freezes as his body leans closer to mine.
"Good." He smiles as he backs up before knocking on the door. Without a second to spare a little old man with gray hair about an inch taller than me opens the door.
"Mr. Quinn this is your new student Margo." He smiles at the small old teacher. Mr. Quinn then turns to face me, giving me a bright smile.
"Lonely to meet you doll, come on in!" he says just as slow as Andrew said he would talk before taking a step aside so I can walk in. Today was going to be one long day.

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