Saturday, April 17, 2021

Ariana.Brooks • 8:49AM
I can't believe she's making you
leave school mid-way high-school.

Margo.Rodrigo • 8:50AM
Me too, I'm so mad.

Ariana.Brooks • 8:52 AM
We NEED to hang out before
you leave.

Margo.Rodrigo • 8:55AM
YES, Please. It's been literally FOREVER.

Ariana.Brooks • 8:57 AM
What about next weekend?
Ariana.Brooks • 8:58 AM
You don't have practice do you?

Margo.Rodrigo • 8:59AM
I DONT!!! Let's do it!!!

Ariana.Brooks • 9:00AM
OKAY!!! Text me later!
Ariana.Brooks • 9:00AM
Have a good practice!

Margo. Rodrigo • 9:00AM
Will do!!
Margo.Rodrigo • 9:01 AM

I put my phone down as I grabbed my last piece of cheer tape before wrapping it around my wrist while walking to the last panel to stretch. I really think my cheer coach said 'If a late night football game wasn't enough then an early practice will knock them right down.' Because tell me why I am at the Cheer gym at 9 in the morning after getting home well past
midnight last night. We did good at our game. The football boys even won. I think I'd rather jump off the deep end than be here right now. Standing by my best friend Natalie as she ties up her long black hair in a messy bun.
"I can't believe last night!" She whispers. I would be lying if I said, I knew what happened last night I don't remember much of the football game other than we won and it was good. I don't like football. I just cheer to tumble I guess.
"What happened?" I smile playing into her excitement. It's wrong to call Natalie my best friend although she is. We never talk outside of Cheer. It's like she's my Cheer best friend but other than that she's kind of nothing. Yeah she knows a lot about me and I know a lot about her, but then we walk by each other in the hallway acting like we don't know each other. We don't hang out other than our water breaks or free time during Cheer to say the least.
"You know number 81 on the football team? Mike? He asked me out!" She almosted shouted at the top of her lungs.
"Mike?" I kind of questioned myself.
"He's the fullback." She smiles. Fullback? Like I know football.
"He threw the Hoco Game after party?" She adds as she senses my confusedness. Mike? The one who my ex boyfriend fought the day before homecoming?
"Oh." I smile.
"Mike." The 81 special.
"Are you going to go out with him then?" I finish my sentence.
"Yes! He wants to take me to the movies!" She says back in excitement.
"That sounds fun!" I said as I hip bump her lightly.
"Maybe we could go on a double date!" She smiles.
"I would love to just I'm single." I smile not ready to have this conversation with her.
"Really?" She says surprised.
"When did you break up with Liam?" She asks hugging me.
"Um a while ago actually." I told her.
"Wait really? How long ago?" She says as her eyes meet mine.
"I don't know like 2 weeks ago?" I questioned.
"Shut up!" She says.
"What?" I ask confused.
"He's the one who mentioned the double date last night." She paused as I looked at her dumbfounded.
"He's still going around telling people you're together." She says like it was obvious.
"What!" I say a little to loudly that it grabs our coaches attention.
"Girls enough talking start your tumbling drills!" Our coach shouts at us.

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