We Need A Break

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Hongjoong's View May 1, 2043

"Lucifer?" A blue and black snake with purple stars on their body looked at me. I held my arm out and then silthered on my arm until it reached my neck. I see why Luna is always here this is nice. "I knew it was you" Yes it's I your number one pain in life but for once I'm not being a pain I'm worried about you Hongjoong it's not too late. "To change that immortal rule I don't wanna change it plus you're right it will stop our kids from going through what we go through now" When was the last time you had a break "You want an honest answer it was before your 67th deathstrike" Oh gosh James "I know" My phone was ringing "Duty calls hello I'm heading over there now" I sat in my throne and sighed "Hello you two" "No don't mind us it's fine" I looked they work with the security team. "It's nothing we realize it's Queen Juila" "What?" "We're sensing a grand evil enegery we realize it was Queen Juila" "Is that so we haven't seen Loria" "She's around King Denyorith" "No wonder that snake hasn't left him" "Don't mind us" I can see your desk from here. "Lucie I know" You need a break "Lucie you're supposed to be on my side" Not to worry since I'm Queen Of Light that means I can just tap on the papers and then boom signature. "Lucifer that's only going to solve the paperwork problem" I know at least it means you can get a break and cuddles. 

I opened my eyes and then looked down at Seonghwa asleep and sighed. I hear my phone ringing. "No, go away" Then another phone starts ringing Seonghwa looks around. "That's my phone I was hearing I'm too comfortable though Garrent oh gosh I don't wanna be an idol" I laughed "Hello there Garrent Yeah Hongjoong's here too the both of us were trying to escape everyone indulging our idol life no you stay there leaving Roan alone with the rest of the 99z is a bad idea yeah we'll see you soon bye" Seonghwa growled "I don't wanna be an idol or do anything" "Lucifer" "No" "Lucifer we've gotta go" "Nope" "What if I promise after our idol duties you and I can head to our place we've got together" "You promise" "I promise" 

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