15. Lida can fly?

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(A double upload while ignore all my other stories. Who? Me?!)

I woke up earlier than mom to make her breakfast. As I watched the bacon and eggs I occasionally flipped a page on the book I had set up to read. I was only just starting and it was mildly interesting. It was a murder mystery taking place on a train. Personally I had too many theories on who did it and not enough information which is why I was reading the words with hungry attention.

When mother knocked on the counter beside me I had nearly jumped out of my skin. "Mommmmm." I whine after calming myself.

"What is it this time?" She said wrapping around me in a hug as she rest her chin over my shoulder.

"Murder mystery..." I admit sheepishly having let myself get spooked so easily.

"Mmm," she kissed my cheek before reminding me not to burn the eggs. Plating the food we ate together before I packed my bag and left for school. I knew I couldn't read during classes so I waited as patiently as I could for lunch so I could read more. I could almost feel the book burning a hole through my bag where it rested.

"I saw the video feeds and went over each of your team's results. Bakugo... you're talented. So don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay? And Midoriya. I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder. And don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk. That lines already getting old. You can't keep breaking your body while training here. But your quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it. So show a little urgency." I could see his eyes drift to mine for a second. He looked like he wanted to say something before continuing on. I wonder what he's thinking.

"Let's get down to business. Our first task will decide your future." The class became nervous and I rolled my eyes leaning my head back against the chair backing. This is gonna be loud... "you all need to pick a class representative."

"Pick me guys! I wanna be class rep!" Kirishima was the first to shout followed by almost every other person. Even Bakugo got in on the shouting.

I snorted while crossing my arms. Wouldn't it be funny if they put all that enthusiasm into answers questions or learning. Yeah right.

"Silence everyone. The class representatives duty is to lead others. That means having absolute trust from your peers. Therefore the most logical way to fill this position is democratically. We will hold an election to choose our leader."

"Do what you want. Just decide before my naps over."

Everyone began to vote and when it was my turn I voted for Yaoyorozu. She's clearly smart and looks trustworthy. Not to mention she was one of those four recommended.

Regardless, Midoriya got 4 votes and Yaoyorozu 3.

When it was time for lunch I was excited to get back to my book. I looked around the noisy lunchroom for the quietest table and found it to be the one with Shinso Hitoshi. He had a neutral expression as he ate. Sitting in front of him he looked up in confusion.

"You are literally the quietest table here." I answered his unasked question. Before pulling out my book and eating with my left hand while reading with my right.

"Shouldn't you be eating with your own class." He asked before eating some ramen.

"Shouldn't you." I jested back at him making him cough. "Like I said. You're quiet and if I don't find out who the killer is I will die." I said dramatically making him give a short nod before focusing on his own food.

I was halfway through now and all too many possible theories were running rampant. Then the bells rang and a robotic voice came over the intercoms. "Warning. Level 3 security breach. All students evacuate the building in organized fashion."

"What's level three?"

"Someone broke in." I said as Shinso jumped up to follow the crowd. I caught the corner of his blazer stopping him from going further. "Sit back down. Look at them, it's a crowd surge. Do you really wanna get involved in that?"

"What about evacuation?" He asked a slight panic in his tone.

"Listen, what kind of school is this? It's a hero school. What villain would be stupid enough to break into a hero school. Let alone attack the entire student body during lunch time. Sit down and keep eating." I said plainly as I tried to focus on the words on the page. "I'm like this close to figuring it out." But still he seemed tense and nervous. With a drawn out sigh I let my book slam against the table to get his attention. "If it bothers you so much and there really is an attack, there's another exit out the back of the kitchen."

But he didn't need to do that as we heard the crowd hush and then lida was yelling something about conducting ourselves properly and the break in just being the reporters. I grinned and Shinso thanked me albeit reluctantly for not letting him get caught up in the mess. I gave him an I told you so smile and he looked away.

After lunch we returned to our classrooms. I bumped playfully against Shinso to get his attention. "Make some friends or I'll keep bothering you at lunch." I threatened.

"Shut up."


Returning to class, Midoriya and Yaoyorozu were standing up at the podium.

Midoriya was shaking like a leaf. "Um, okay, so we need to figure out who the other class officers will be. But first, there's something I wanna say. I've thought a lot about this and I think that Tenya Lida should be our class rep! He was able to capture everyone's attention and get us in line. So I believe the he should be the one leading our class from now on!" Midoriya gave his speech and everyone seemed all for it. Praising him.

"This is a waste of time." Aizawa spoke up.

I had kept silent about how angry I was starting to feel until Lida stood up, ready to accept the position. Before he could open his mouth I launched my eraser at him and another at Midoriya making them both flinch.

"While this is touching an all, are both of you forgetting Yaoyorozu, she got two more votes than lida. If anything she should be promoted and lida takes deputy." I spoke up coldly. Some classmates turned to me in shock to hear my tone. My eyes shifted to Lida's with a cold glare. "Where's that Democracy?" I hissed making him flinch.

Midoriya was quick to wave his arms and apologize to the class. "Apologize to her, Midoriya. She's the one you're ignoring." I ordered making even Aizawa creak an eye open to watch.

"Ah, Yaoyorozu-San I'm sorry I didn't even think..."

The black haired girl waved her hand nervously at the attention. But she did send a short smile my way so I consider that a win.

And so Yaoyorozu took class rep and Lida became the deputy.

I mentally patted myself on the back for intervening, who knows how lida would run the class without annoying the daylights out of everyone.

Later on Lida seemed to be trying to prove he didn't think women lesser but it all came out wrong and rude making me chuckle. Jirou walked beside me in the hall, "that was cool." She said before walking off.

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