5. The lesser of two evils

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Me and Bakugo are going to the same middle school and we're actually in the same class.

I observed his mannerisms around our classmates. He had two lackeys constantly following him like puppies. One had a quirk that grew his fingers and morbidly I thought of what would happen if I broke them.

I shook my head to clear it. I had recently picked up a very mature book from the prequirk era. It was detailed and had a lot of violence. And not fist fights and stabbing. Pure brutal violence like forced amputation and torture. It was very...interesting. Beetlejuice was the one who got the book for me so there is something to be said about his influence.

I've never paid much kind to Beetlejuice's influences till now. Since I've met him I have become facetious. Like Beegs I've reacted to serious issues with deliberate inappropriate humor. The only saving grace is that I've retained some of my childish innocence and can still find joy in small things. Unlike Beegs, who after finding out I would be going to the same school as Katsuki, began to hiss at the boy anytime they were within five feet of each other.

The first week of school I watched my classmates but out of them all one stood out. He was as small as me! He had green hair, not like Beetlejuice's, it was darker like velvet and four freckles on each cheek. But what drew me in were his big wide eyes, sparkling like jade. I had to remind myself while the boys eyes were very pretty, but Beegs were prettier.

The boy would mutter under his breath. But with my advanced hearing I could understand the words. He was actually smart.

On Friday I had worked up the nerve to talk to him. As everyone was leaving I stayed behind a little before walking to the boys desk. I tapped my knuckles on the corner and he nearly shot up three feet.

"Hello, my name is Elizabeth Daisuke, I'm 10 years old and I sit three seats ahead of you. What's your name?" I said politely and softly to not startle the boy again.

"Ah Ah my name is Izuku Midoriya...I'm I—"

Before he could finish, the distinct sound of explosions rang out behind me. I leaned to the left to cover the boy so if the explosion was aimed for him I would take the hit.

It was aimed for him, I remarked as I could feel the heat of the blast making my hair frizzy. I'm sure the back of my uniform was charred. I rolled my arms and was grateful that it had not burned through.

I turned on my heel and my pigtails whipped behind me. "Katsuki! You shouldn't aim your explosions at people who are unprepared!" I scolded.

"Ka—kacchan!! She did do anything wrong I was just talking to her I swear. I'm sorry!" Midoriya tried to defend.

I stomped my foot and my pigtails bounced with me. "Don't apologize!" I stomped to Katsuki and hit him on the arm. "That was really mean and if mother gets mad at me your buying my new blazer."

"Tch just steal one of mine. You steal everything else, undead fucker!" He barked in my face.

"Minecraft Creeper!"

Bakugo growled before grabbing my shoulder and shouting over his shoulder. "Stay the fuck away from her you shitty fucking nerd!"

"Katsukiiiii!" I whined as he pulled me down the hallway.

"Stay away from him he's a shitty nerd and a quirkless runt! He ain't worth your fucking time so stay away from him!" He barked angrily while stomping and dragging me around.

"But Katsuki! I really wanna be his friend!" I pouted.

"Haaaaaa!!!!" Firecracker sized explosions left his hands. That included the hand holding my shoulder.

I didn't flinch at the pain. I didn't even whine. I could smell my own flesh burning under his hand. "Katsuki, my arm." I said softly.

"Shit!" He pulled his hands away and backed up from me entirely. Then he was holding my arm again. More gently. He pulled me away from the outgoing crowds and to the side of the school. He helped me out of my blazer and then examined my arm. "Beetle fuck is gonna have a field day and fucking kill me."

I tilted my head like I've always done when I was confused. "Why would he kill you? It was an accident."

"Doesn't matter now! He's gonna skin me and eat me!"

I giggled into my uninjured hand. "Beetlejuice won't eat you! Your too thin!"

"Too thin for what, toots." A voice whispered in my ear. I turned around and jumped into Beetlejuice's arms.

"Beetlejuice! Your back!"

"I'm back kid." He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Lately Beetlejuice has been leaving more and more often. He said he was working on a project to help me become a hero.

Beetlejuice hissed harshly over my shoulder. "Kid, why do I smell blood?"

My eyes widened and I gripped Beetlejuice tighter and jumped down from his arms pulling him with me. He was now half kneeling and I held him there.

"Why do I smell blood?!" He snarled.

"Beegs calm down. It was an accident. It was only an accident." I tried nuzzling my head into his neck to calm him down. But he only began to shake more. "Beetlejuice calm down before I have to banish you!" It's like my words went though one ear and out the other.

Inside his head, Beetlejuice was imagining all the ways he would torture and kill the boy. He resisted killing the boy after he killed Elizabeth that day in the park. But only because she had become attached to the insufferable punk. She would be sad if the runt disappeared. But he hurt her. Hurt her. And the others? What little Elizabeth doesn't know can't hurt her.

"Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Be—Beetlejuice!"

I hiccuped and in a poof he was gone and my arms had nothing to hold but myself.

I sank to my knees and cried with my forehead to the ground. I tightened my arms around myself until I was sure my ribs would snap. My nails cut holes in my shirt and into the skin of my lower back.

I wanted to scream it hurt so bad.

5 years.

I summoned him five years ago in a dream and I had never banished him. He could come and go as he pleased of his own free will. I took that away from him when I banished him.

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