17. Villains and the longest chapter yet!

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"Right, now that that's over." The lights flickered with electricity and as I looked down at the center of the usj, I saw a Portal begin to form in front of the fountain.

"Fuck." I cussed under my breath.

"Stay together, don't move. Thirteen protect the students." Aizawa said eying the same thing I was. The portal stretched until a man walked out and then another and another until a handful of villains were in the plaza.

"What is that thing? Has training started already?" Kirishima asked. "I thought we were rescuing people."

"Stay back." Aizawa ordered putting his goggles over his eyes. "This is real, those are villains."

The portal shrank to become a misty figure, beside it some bird like creature stood followed by a man with hands over his face and body.

The class began to panic and I heard Yaoyorozu ask why the alarms aren't going off.

Again I looked down at my pocket watch. Blockers? Someone with an electric type quirk who can block signals. Can he block all signals or only a simple radius? I listened to my classmates as Todoroki brought up the same thought.

"Thirteen, get them out of here. And alert the main campus. Actually if they've got the ability to block our sensors, then they might be jamming our regular communications, too. Kaminari try using your quirk to contact the school."

At the same time I pried open my watch and began trying to wire something to send a signal. The watch itself was closed circuit besides gps. It had an open circuit but it's only one way. And where did the other signal go, kugo. It was specifically connected to my health monitor. Wiring it I managed to make a rudimentary switch that I then sent sos over and over and over again.

That was until Jirou grabbed my arm as we began to run to the entrance. Only to be stoped by the misty man who made the portal.

"There is no escape for you. It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the league of villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves in to this Haven of Justice to say hello. Besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might the symbol of peace to take his last breath? I believe he was supposed to be here today and yet I see no sign of him. There must've been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen. Ah, well, in the end I suppose it doesn't matter. I still have a role to play." The misty villain said and then Bakugo and Kirishima launched to attack.

"Do you think we were just gonna stand around and let you tear this place to shreds?" Kirishima spoke.

"You live up to your schools reputation, But you should be more careful, children. Otherwise someone might get hurt."

Thirteen opened the finger holes of her gloves and ordered for them to get out of the way so she could use her quirk but wasn't fast enough.

"I'll scatter you across this facility, to meet my comrades, and your deaths!" The black smog of its body stretched to cover everyone. I hear their shouts and beside me lida grabbed Ochaco and Sato before jumping out the cloud. On another side shoji held down Sero and Mina to protect them.

I looked around in shock, everyone who was caught in the mist was gone, teleported somewhere else. I was the only one standing still, having not been thrown out of it or held down.

Something came to mind, a quote I read from a Stephen king book over the summer. I couldn't even remember the title but I remember one of the themes well enough.

Dead things don't move. (If you can guess this I will be so proud.)

An incomplete chuckle left my lips as I stepped back.

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