10. 9th grade blues

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9th grade was more trouble than it was worth. For a moment I really did consider skipping this grade and going straight to Highschool. But seeing Midoriya stopped me. Katsuki still hasn't talked to me, it's been two years and I should really just start calling him Bakugo again.

Bakugo's temper has reached new heights. He outwardly insults Midoriya, but I always draw the line when he tries to use his quirk. I'd readily put myself in the line of fire multiple times now and it's only been two months of school.

I'd stand there and take the hit because I know I can and would never give Bakugo or Midoriya a reason why. I'd ignore any attempt they make to talk to me and walk away with a smoldering uniform. This led to Bakugo cornering me more often.

I was slammed into the wall harshly, I raised my head lazily and met eyes with ruby red ones. I could almost imagine the steam coming out his nose as he breathed heavily. I tilted my head when he still hadn't said anything.

He growled before slamming me back into the wall.

I made no sound of discomfort.

"Just Stop protecting that quirkless nerd!" He snarled.

I blew out a puff of air and it misted the air around me and met his eyes apathetically.

He stayed there a minute longer before storming off.


Nearing the end of the year our teacher spoke up. "Since you're all third years it's time for you to think seriously about your future. I'll pass out handouts for your future plans now, but...you're all...pretty much planning to go into the hero course, right?"

I frowned as all my classmates begin to use their quirks. If I used mine here, I'm sure more than half these people would lose their lunch.

"Yes yes you all have wonderful quirks! But using your powers at school is against the rules!"

"Sensei!" Bakugo spoke up from behind me. "Don't lump us all in the same group. I'm not gonna be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects!" He had his feet on the desk like usual. His shoes pressing into my shoulder when he kicked me.

He created an outrage among his peers.

"You all should shut up like the extras you are!" He barked.

"Oh, if I remember correctly, you want to go to U.A high, right, Bakugo?"

I tuned out the chatter to a dull mumble. Bakugo is just going off on his greater than thou speech again. I was brought out of it when the teacher mentioned my name.

"Oh yeah, Midoriya and Daisuke wanted to go to U.A., too, right?"

The class sputtered and there was an uproar of laughter. I turned and balanced my head in my hand as I looked out the window.

I was slower to pack my bag and leave. I had a lot on my mind to think about. Should I still be a hero? If I don't become a hero would that make me unfaithful to a dream made by a 8 year old. Would Beetlejuice be proud of me if I became a hero?

I turned at the sound of Midoriya mumbling. He was scrolling through his phone like he does everyday after class. He was about to pack up his hero notebook when it was snapped out of his hands by Bakugo.

"We're not done talking yet, Deku." He said while shaking the notebook in the air.

"Katsuki, what's that?" On of his lackeys said while approaching Midoriya's desk. "Huh? Hero Analysis for the Future?" They began to laugh.

Katsuki used his explosions on the book and threw it out the open window.

"Most top first-string heroes have stories about them from their school days. I want the shine of being able to be called the only student to make it into U.A. from this mediocre city junior high school. I mean, I'm a perfectionist" he put his hand on Midoriya's shoulder and I saw black smoke rising up. "So anyway...don't apply to U.A. Nerd."

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