4. What a crick in the neck!

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The end of the school year was nearing and I visited the park most Thursdays and would watch Bakugo use his quirk. At one point he revealed to me that he wanted to be a hero.

"A hero?" I tilted my head. I looked down at Beetlejuice beside me. "Could I be a hero?"

"Well, with a quirk like yours, its not like you could die trying." Beetlejuice jested.

I swayed left to right as I went over the pros and cons of becoming one. At first I was only training to keep myself from dying. But I could use my ability and skills to easily become a good hero. And if I became a hero then I could make more friends like Bakugo Katsuki!

I opened my eyes before running across the field to Bakugo.

"Katsuki! Im gonna be a hero!"

Bakugo turned around and I automatically ducked and rolled left. "Haaaaaa!"

I jumped up cheering. "Your getting much better! But what I said was, I'm gonna be a hero! Like you are."

Bakugo's eyes widened before becoming angry again. "Haa! You can be a hero Pipsqueak but I'm still gonna be number one!"

"I'm not aiming for number one. I just wanna be a hero. I don't have to be top twenty for all I care."

Bakugo flushed before barking. "Whatever pipsqueak! Spar me!"

I blinked owlishly and looked over my shoulder for Beetlejuice's opinion. Beetlejuice made a shooing motion with his hands.

"Don't look at your nanny! You're fighting me not him!" Bakugo barked before an explosion went off to my left. I was momentarily mesmerized by the colors. I shook my head and focused.

I jumped info a fighting stance. I dodged explosions shot at me and got a hit in on his right side when he shot left. He grew angry and shot again aiming for my legs.

Jumping into a split I slammed my hand to the side of his head. After that his attacks were sloppier and more uncoordinated. An attack that was meant to go beside me instead hit me straight on. I was thrown back and impaled on something.

Beetlejuice immediately jumped up and rushed to my side. He put one hand on my shoulder and the other on my waist as he pulled me off my pike and laid me down on the grass.

Where the piece of metal that impaled me once was it was now unbearably cold as air flowed through me uninterrupted and caressed my insides. I could feel the grass under me irritating the open wound like sandpaper.

Bakugo was panicking and shakily drew out his phone to call emergency help. Beetlejuice snatched the phone before the boy could even get his password in. He put the phone down on the ground before turning his whole attention back to me.

"See this is why your being trained. So you don't do dumb shit and get hurt." Beetlejuice used his hand to prod the area I was impaled. He put a finger in the opening. "Damn kid. Well bad news. This wont kill you unless you bleed out. Or. We could go a faster route!" He said enthusiastically.

I glared heatedly at Beetlejuice. "You just want an excuse to kill me!"

Beetlejuice chucked darkly. "Guilty as charged kid."

I heard a sob on the opposite side Beetlejuice was on. I turned my head and Bakugo had angry tears in his eyes. He growled as our eyes met. He's only two years older than me and not as mature as even I was. This can't make much sense to him. I held my hand out palm up and he took it before gripping my hand tightly like he was the one dying. "Katsuki. I am okay. Okay? This is my quirk. I will be back in an hour or two. Please do not panic." He gripped my hand tightly and kneeled next to me.

"Shitty stupid idiot. This wouldn't have happens if you didn't give me a fucking concussion."

I blinked before clearing my throat. "Ah. Im Sorry? Normally I'm used to fighting Beegs and he's a lot sturdier than humans." Beegs coughed and I turned my head back to him.

"Kid your still bleeding. The sooner your dead. The sooner you can come back."

I nodded and Beetlejuice put his hands on both sides of my head and...snap.


I blinked my eyes and shot up with a gasp. "That was refreshing."

Beetlejuice cackled and slapped his hand on his knee. "Came back quicker this time. Like an hour an a half."

"Still can't believe its been over two years since my last death." I felt a tug on my hand and turned my head.

Bakugo was kneeling beside my body and I was drawn in to notice every little thing about this moment. The tear marks that ran down his face. His nose was lightly red. His lip was lightly bleeding like he had been chewing it until it bled. His eyes were puffy with glaring, dark red irises that were like rubies.

I smiled and sat up with help from Beetlejuice and using my free hand I ruffled Katsuki's hair. "I'm back."

Beetlejuice snorted behind me.

"I guess I should explain. When I was five...I fell from a tree and snapped my own neck. I woke up in a casket at my funeral. Since than I cant die. This would be my fourth time dying. The second was by a gunman. The third by my old classmates pushing me into the road. And now this. My quirk is immortality."

"Shitty stupid undead fucker! You should've told me that before you let freaky snap your fucking neck." Bakugo barked.

I turned my head to look at Beetlejuice. "Why didn't I think of that."


Surprisingly me and Bakugo became closer friends. He'd complain to me and would spew curse filled rants about his favorite heroes. I tell him about my life so far and would tell him about books I read.

Summer came and my fifth year of schooling was a head of me. I was disappointed with everything I'd learnt in fourth grade. Most was things I could already do on my own like math, science and literature. Thanks to Beetlejuice I was also very informed about the prequirk era so history was mildly infuriating.

Bakugo was going into his 6th grade. But I was planning to catch up soon. Fifth grade was a very important milestone in education so I was not planning to skip it. But I was planning to skip 6th grade entirely. That way, this time next year, me and Bakugo would be entering the same middle school together. Not that he knew that. Yet.

At nearing the end of fith year I consulted the school and asked for another placement test. The test was given, taken and the next day I ran off to show Bakugo.

I ran down the hill to the park. "Katsukiiiii!" I stumbled on a rock and rolled down the hill like a tumbleweed. When I came to a stop I looked up at him and smiled sheepishly.

"Undead fucker, where's freaky?" Bakugo said with the usual brashness and grabbed my hand pulling me up.

"Beegs is off doing something. But that's not the point! Look!" I shoved the paper in his face like I did to Beetlejuice years and years ago.

"Haaaa! What's this shit supposed to mean?!"

I pulled the paper out of his hands before it could catch fire from his explosions. "It means that I get to skip another grade. I am skipping 6th grade and going straight to middle school. We're going to be in the same grade together and maybe even the same class!" I jumped excitedly.

"Tch. Just don't embarrass me you undead fucker." Bakugo said while pushing my head down and then wrapping his arm around my neck in a side hug.

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