16. The wheels on the the buss

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"How was school honey?" Mom asked like usual as I came through the door. She seemed jittery and happier, only one reason for that!

"Loud." I peeked around her frame and spotted the black cape that Kugo wears poking out from the corner of the room. "I still see you!" I teased. There was a shuffling noise until his cape disappeared from sight. Me and mother shared smiles before we crept quietly toward him and jumped on him together. Unfortunately he fell back into the dining room table and one of the legs broke. I looked between the table and kugo before laughing loudly. In a way I hadn't in a long time. Then mom and kugo were laughing too.

"I'll buy you a new table, I swear." Kugo said sheepishly after we had all sat around the coffee table in the living room. His hulking figure too big to sit properly under the table without his knees lifting it up entirely. I snorted once or twice when he tried to reach over the table for something and would bump into something else.

Mom gently smacked my knee under the table but her tone was all playful as she said. "Lizzie, don't tease Kugo."

"Mhhm, I'll leave all the teasing to you mother." I responded grinning sharply like a Cheshire causing Kugo to catch my double meaning and choke on his tea. Mother squeaked before covering her mouth as a bright blush took over her features. She moved to smack my knee again and I dodge, rolling out from under the table with my plate and cup. "Look at the time I'll start on the dishes!" I chirped escaping her and dashing to the kitchen.

"Lizzie!!!" Mom shouted embarrassed.


The next day I had gotten though classes fairly well and again joined Shinso as lunch. The silence was comfortable for the first five minutes. He seemed resigned to my seating choice, if not a little appreciative.

Chewing a bite he swallowed before finally speaking up. "So how far are you now?" I had to hand it him, he was trying his best, his voice probably wasn't used often by how raspy it was.

"Finished. I'm on another of her novels now. She's a good writer, she makes everyone seem at least partially guilty before the true criminal is revealed." I said a hint of awe. Looking up from the page I saw his confusion and easily understood. "I don't sleep. My quirk doesn't let me. If anything I've already read most of our coursework and should be in college by now." I answer dismally while leaning my head against my propped arm. "I thought this would at least be exciting but frankly this is boring."

I wish I didn't say that...


"Today's training will be different. You will have three instructors; me, All Might and another pro hero." Aizawa announced in his usual bored tone.

Sero leaned over his desk, "what kind of training?"


"Sounds like we're in for a real workout," Sero said patting his arms. Mina who sat to the left of him agreed happily.

"Real hero stuff, this is what separates the men from the boys. I'm shaking with excitement!" Kirishima added.

"Finally I'll get to show off in water, Ribbit."

"I'm not finished." Aizawa interrupted the chatter. "You're still new to your hero costumes so you may not be used to them yet, what you wear for this exercise is up to you. Training will be off campus so we're taking a bus there."

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