12. Exams

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The night before the exams I was full of energy and decided to do a workout while I did last minute studying. I watched the clock tick down until I could hear mother in the kitchen making breakfast.

I took a quick shower and then got dressed in sporty attire for the exams.

In the kitchen mother was playing soft pre quirk music and Kugo was reading the newspaper. Every now and then he peeked over the top to watch mother dance.

I sat down and mother put eggs and bacon and pancakes on my plate. She kissed my head as she passed me and sat down as well. I read the back of the newspaper while I ate.

"Lizzie no matter how you do, we will always love you."

I giggled "I know mama." I looked at the clock on the wall. "I should get going before I'm late!" I grabbed my jacket and bag off the back of my chair and kissed Mother and Kugo's cheek. I ran out the house and yelled over my shoulder. "Bye mama! Bye papa!" I said unaware of their blushing happy faces.


The paper test went by smoothly and I could answer every question.

When present mic showed up to tell us about the physical part of the the exam both me and Midoryia lit up.

When a blue haired boy jumped up and began to scold me and Midoriya I jumped up as well. "Wow! You interrupted a very vital speech given by a pro hero to complain about someone who is nowhere near you! How's that stick up your ass doing. Make you feel taller?" I spoke scathingly.

The boy flushed and sat down. I pumped my fist. Today is going to be an amazing day and no one will ruin it!

I was separated from Bakugo and midoryia.

Standing infront of the test city I took off when present mic said start.

I easily took down a two pointer with a kick to the head. I took down a couple more robots when I noticed a boy having trouble. He wasn't using a physical quirk as far as I could tell.

I approached him. "Hello! Would you like to work together?"


"Because heroes work together all the time. And I wanna help." The next robot I came across I ripped the head open and began to fiddle and re-wire it. I grabbed the boys arm and pulled him up to stand on the robot. "This goes forward. This one backward and this is arms."

A robot was approaching behind me and it shot something at me and I didn't flinch as it brushed my arm. I ran at the robot and grabbed its head and swung around pulling it with me and the robot flipped over my shoulder. I took some parts from the robot and began to attach them to the one the boy was driving.

The boy was able to take down five robots on his own. He seemed much happier now that he was gaining points. I have maybe 25 so far.

"My names Elizabeth Daisuke!"

"Hitoshi Shinso."

"Shinso kun! I hope we both make it into the hero course! See you after the test!" I cheered and ran off.

I took down a three pointer with little difficulty. I jumped in the air and kicked down, sinking my heel into the metal. The robot grabbed one of my arms and pulled me away. I rotated on the arm and pulled until the arm detached. I stuck my arm in the hole and easily began to manipulate the wires. If only I had more time I could wire them to attack themselves.

I ran around taking down robots and could comfortably say I had over 50 points. I also helped anyone in trouble.

I met a boy with multiple arms. He had cut one of his hands on something and it was affecting his quirk. I ripped the sleeve from my jacket and tore it into a strip to wrap his hands. Without the sleeve on he could see the shark bite somewhat.

Later on I used what was left of my jacket to distract a robot so I could save someone else.

When the testing was over I ran around to find Shinso. I found him being treated by a nice old lady for a scrape on his chin.

"Nice battle wounds! Did you leave any robots for the rest of us?" I teased while poking his side.

He turned his head and his eyes widened. Underneath my jacket I was wearing a tank top so my shoulders were bare. It didn't help that I was bleeding down my arm and my leg.

The old lady who was treating him turned to me in shock and moved towards me.

"I'm okay. I don't need to be healed." I held my arm for them to see and the wound was closing up already. "Regeneration. Neat right?"

It was a week before results were sent out to the lucky students.

I sat beside the door waiting for the mailman as I read Macbeth. It was one of the books that cementoss recommended to me. I was quite enjoying it. I was startled out of my reading by my mother laughing at me.

"Kugo will be over soon so don't rip open your letter when you get it. He wants to see how well you did."

"Okay mama." I said not looking up from my page.

An hour later Kugo knocked on the door before opening it and I squeaked as I was moved from the carpet in front of the door. Kugo poked his head around the door. "What are you doing down there?"

Mother laughed from the kitchen and I pouted. "I'm waiting for the mail!" I defended myself while pulling my book back to my face.

"He may be awhile. There was a crash just a block away from here." Kugo said stepping inside and closing the door. He gave my mother a kiss on her cheek before taking his coat off and hanging it up.

I groaned and threw my head back. "Noooooo!" I whined.

It was another half hour before the mail came and before the letter could drop in the mail slot I had hastily opened the door and snatched the letters from the mailman's fingers. Shutting the door I ran to the living room while sorting the mail until I had my letter.

It was heavier than I expected. But what should I really expect from japan's best hero school.

A hand was placed on my shoulder. Based on the large size and weight it was obviously Kugo. "Breathe. We will love you no matter what happens. And we are proud of you for coming this far." Mother sat on the other side of me and wrapped an arm around my waist.

I ripped open the letter and a small metal disk slipped out. When it stopped spinning on the table it lit up into a holograph. Pro hero Cementoss was holding some papers as he cleared his throat. "Dear Elizabeth Daisuke, you've scored in the 1% of your peers in the written test with you a score of 99%. Your physical exam was quite interesting to watch. You earned 45 villain points. A panel of judges watching the exams also awarded students with hero points for heroic acts that have accomplish. You earned 23 hero points and another ten from the teachers that were impressed with your ingenuity to rewire a robot and help a fellow peer. With a cumulative score of 78 points you got first place. Good job kid." Cementoss finished with a smile.

"I got in! I got in!" I jumped around excitedly. "I can't wait to tell bee—" I widened my eyes and covered my mouth hurriedly.

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