18. Confrontation

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Within minutes the rest of the teachers arrived. They took care of the few villains that woke up and seemed surprised that we had already formed groups and taken down the villains in the zones. The only two students missing or unaccounted for were Hagakure and Aoyama. But they were later found.

While escorted outside of USJ I got lots of stares, all my classmates had maybe a scuff or a bruise but there I was. Blood matted hair and blood on the side of my face. It stained the front of my collared shirt like a waterfall and was around my shoulder and wrist where the Nomu grabbed me. Those that had seen my bloodshed watched me still with a haunted look. The pros watched me with concern, not knowing where the blood came from or if it was mine.

The second paramedics saw me they assumed I was injured and tried to coerce me into the ambulance. They began pulling me toward it and I hissed at them all but climbing up Beetlejuice to avoid their touch. My knee rested on his shoulder as an arm coiled around his throat and clenched his other shoulder. I knew Beetlejuice frightened people. The pros and cops didn't know if he was a hero or villain so they watched him in apprehension as I clung to him. (I will so draw this.)

"Back off." He threatened the medics and they began to back away in fear. Killer intent leaking out of him and causing others to go alert.

Looking around I felt the countless stares as the teachers tried to decide if he was a threat or not. Hitting his shoulder in quick slapping motions to alert him he then stopped. I released a breath and he adjusted his grip on me so I sat on his shoulder an arm going over my legs like a rail. I would've stood on my own but neither of us wanted to let go yet. There was still so much unsaid. So much to be answered for. So many apologies.

We were escorted to a bus and led back to campus. They had stopped trying to talk to Beetlejuice after he and I both hissed at them to leave us alone. It wasn't until Detective Tsukauchi stepped in that the heroes finally relented. They all knew the detectives quirk so they watched as questions were answered and Beetlejuice technically didn't lie. He is related to my quirk in a sense that he came after I got it. And then with him watching over me to shorten his curse that means we rely on each other. I said I would die without him and watched the lie detectors quirk go berserk as it wasn't completely a lie or whole truth.

During the buss ride Beetlejuice continued to run his handkerchief over my face and hair to rid me of the blood. We would've sat with the other students but again I was standing, because of the blood and beegs scared the students. Instead of focusing on their conversations I kept my head toward the window, occasionally my gaze being moved so beegs could get the spot below my ear. We had kept silent with each other, not knowing how to approach it.

Gang orca had come in full hero gear to the school when he got my message. Some of the pros asked he stay at the school in case a full fledged attack was to take place and he complied despite knowing his kid was in the middle of the conflict. He wanted to argue, but arguing cost too much time so he stuffed those feeling down until he saw her. She was being carried by a man in a pinstripe suit with green hair and a decayed look. As they moved closer and closer he noticed the way the two clutched to each other and he was constantly watching for any change in her emotion. The man itself moved unnaturally, his body moving with a lifeless grace. Hands tight over her to not drop her and moving with the dents in the sidewalk. The other students seemed to clear away from the two but only because the man. But 5 students watched Elizabeth and the man with a haunted look. Now closer he could see the blood more clearly and he connected the dots. They had seen her die and possibly regenerate. If her quirk was only regeneration it should be no big deal but Elizabeth was an enigma.

At only four she snapped her own neck and was dead long enough for her own funeral.

Then again she was shot that same year and came back within hours.

Then there he was, the way the kid talked about him was like he was her only friend. She made another friend later on but she didn't say much about why they split. Only that Beetlejuice had to go away or he would've killed him. Does that make him a threat. A threat to her? A threat to others? What if next time she can't unsummon him and he does kill someone. Would he have to be the bag guy and take him away. All these thoughts swarmed his head with worry.

Her eyes caught sight of him and she screamed flinging herself out of the corpse's arms. "Pops!!" She ran quickly toward him and slammed into his chest with an oomf. He felt a smile crawl higher on his face. Leaning down his arms cradled around her. He didn't realize how worried he actually was until this hug.

"Pops, we fought the villains! My regeneration is so much quicker, I stayed awake the whole time and didn't die!" She said excitedly while rambling about what all had broken in her body with the precision of a surgeon.

Gang orca put his hands over her shoulders and began to rub them up and down to get her attention. "Let's not tell you mother." He asked of her sheepishly.

"Okay!" She nodded. Turning around she began to wave over the man who was with her. "Beegs! Meet papa." She said pulling on his suit when he was close enough. She gave the corpse a glare to behave and he did so reluctantly.

"I'm not pleased to meet you." Beetlejuice snarked and Elizabeth quickly smacked herself in the head.

"Pop's just ignore him he's a little too brain-dead to be polite." She bit back with a glare to the pinstriped male.

Later on the trio had gotten back home. Of course Elizabeth's mother began to panic at the sight of her daughter. "I saw it on the news! Are you okay? Is everyone okay?!" She began to ask at light speed in her worry. Lifting her daughter's arms and checking for any open wounds. But those she had, already healed and any blood was wiped away by Beetlejuice.

"Mama, stop, look—" she turned and pulled Beetlejuice into her line of sight and all her worrying turned to appreciation as Elizabeth continued to speak. "He came and helped defeat the villains. He brought sandy and sandy ate that Nomu thing before it could hurt more people. Beetlejuice saved me." She said pushing the attention onto him causing his eyes to snap to her with a glare. Her grin said sorry not sorry before she scurried away to go take her shower.

A half hour later she came downstairs still drying her hair with the towel. All blood and bodily fluid had been washed away from her skin leaving her clean again. Peeking into the kitchen she caught sight of mother talking excitedly to Beetlejuice as she cooked. Beegs himself was holding a mug of something. Probably hot cocoa or coffee. The only two hot drinks stocked in the house besides tea but the corpse was not one for hot leaf water.

Kugo came behind Elizabeth with a pout. It looked out of place on his orca like face. He released the air out his nose in a drawn out sigh.

"It's okay pops, she's just excited he's home, you won't be replaced that easily by mama." I reassured quietly.

"You two, are you gonna stand there or set the table?" She asked making us both perk up. Over his mug I saw Beetlejuice grin widely in the same way I grinned earlier. Sorry not sorry.


I kicked my feet out the window as I let the cool air grace me. Beetlejuice was sitting on the floor in front of the window frame. Head tilted back to rest against the frame.

Night had fallen and the moon risen as it cast light on us. Mama and kugo had separated and he went on patrol for the night. I remember waving from my spot as he left. Peace had finally fallen on the house.

"Where to start?" She said with a mocking laugh. "I'm sorry I guess? For sending you away, for not bringing you back. I was scared. That—that you would actually kill him, do you still want to kill him?" She tried to hide a tremble in her voice.

Beetlejuice leaned back further and his face came into view. "Water under the bridge toots, I'm here now. And I won't kill the little shit unless he gives me reason to. I don't hold grudges for too long." He assures her.

She hums before kicking her feet. "So we're okay? You're still my best friend?"

"Do you really think you could find a better bio-exorcist best-friend?" He teases pulling her down by the back of her shirt so she lands on his legs with an oomf. "So what were we reading?" He says and that's more than enough reassurance for her to smile at him. Yeah they're good.

"Are you coming to school with me too?"

"They can try and stop me." Beetlejuice said with a snake charmer grin.

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