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I GO OVER TO HARRY- "Get up." I say pointing my wand at Peter. He doesn't move at first. "Don't test me. I will do it." I tell him. After that fear is in his eyes once again and he stands up. Lupin grabs him and nods at me. Sirius goes over to Ron and helps him up. I go over there with him, grabbing the other side of Ron.

We make our way out of the Shrieking Shack. "Sorry about the bite. I reckon that twinges a bit." Sirius tells him. "A bit? A bit?! You almost tore my leg off!" Ron whines. "But he didn't!" I snap at the boy. "Now, I was going for the rat. Normally, I have a very sweet disposition as a dog. In fact, more than once, James suggested that I make the change permanent." He tells us. "The tail I could live with, but the fleas-- they're murder." He adds.

I smile at him. "Not to mention, your mother, would never let me be around. She was allergic to dogs." He tells me. I laugh. "You'll have to tell me more about my mother. At a better time, that is." I tell him. "Absolutely. Your mother, my love, is very similar to how you are." He tells me, winking. I smile at the thought of how much I am presumed to be like her. 


We make it back outside, we drop Ron down against the tree. Sirius walks over and looks at the castle in the distance. Harry and Hermione come over to Ron. "I'll be back." I tell them.

I walk over to Sirius. "It's very beautiful." I tell him. "It is. Just like you, my dear." He says looking at me. I smile at him. "You know, James and Lily, Harry's parents, were the only two to know about mine and your moms relationship." He tells me. "Really?" I ask. "Well, except for my brother. Regulus. He was your God-father before he died, trying to kill Voldemort." He tells me. "I'm so sorry." I tell him. "No, no, I'm sorry." He tells me, putting his arm around me. "I wish I could've been there for you through everything and I couldn't..." He starts rambling. "Hey, dad." I stop him. He looks at me shocked after me calling him, dad. "Sorry..." I say, "No. It has a nice ring to it." He winks.

I laugh, "But, we can have a do over. After we prove you a innocent man." I tell him. "Thank you, dear." He says. He pulls me into a hug and kisses my head. I almost start to cry, I finally feel like I understand everything once again. "Valerie." He says, "Yes?" I ask him. "Would you stay with me? With us, Lupin and the rest of the order?" He asks me. "Is that even a question?" I ask him. He just smiles, "Yes I will!" I tell him.

I hear Peter behind us and turn around, Sirius and I watch as he begs for his mercy. I laugh and shake my head. As I am turning around, Harry is walking over to us. "I'll leave you and your god-child to be." I tell him. "Thank you, dear." He tells me.

I smile at Harry and walk over to Ron and Hermione. "Does it hurt?" I ask Ron. "Clearly!" He tells me. "Just thought I'd ask." I say, smirking to myself. "Harry!" Hermione yells. I look at her confused. She points to the moon and it's a full moon. Lupin.

My dad runs over to him. "Remus my old friend, have you taken your potion tonight?" He asks Lupin, but he is already gone. Sirius tries and helps Lupin and forgetting about Peter. I grab my wand and cast a spell at him but it's too late, he already turned into a rat.

I go to run after him but Hermione grabs me and pulls me back. "Run!" Sirius yells to us, as Lupin turns into a werewolf. When he fully forms he flings my dad. "Dad!" I yell and go after him, but as I run past Lupin he pushes me back into a rock and I hit my head, hard. Everything starts to go black. "Vallie!" Is the last thing I hear before I am unconscious. 


"Valerie?" I hear. I flutter my eyes. "Dad?" I ask as I go to sit up. "No. You hit your head hard, it's a bit open on the back, stay laying down." Harry tells me. "What happened?" I ask. "Lupin. He knocked you back and you hit your head." Hermione tells me. I nod and look across to see Ron with his leg propped up. "Valerie." Hermione tells me. I look at her. "They captured Sirius and any minute the dementors are going to perform the kiss." Hermione tells me. "What?" I ask, not wanting to believe her. "But we are going to stop it." She tells me.

I look at her confused. "How? They aren't going to believe a bunch of kids." I tell her. "We will explain is second, but now, we have to go." She says, grabbing Harry and pulls a necklace out from under her shirt and puts it around her and Harry. She messes with the necklace and they disappear.

I look at Ron shocked but then the door opens again revealing Harry and Hermione. "How did you get there?" Ron asks them. "You were just there." I tell them. "And now you're there." Ron says. "What are they talking about, Harry?" Hermione asks him. "I don't know. Honestly, you two, how could somebody be in two places at once?" He asks us. They both laugh. "It's a time turner." I whisper to myself.

I look at the two and shake my head.


It's been a few days since the whole eventful night, I have had to stay in the hospital for the past few days but I am finally getting out today. Over the past few of those days my friends have came to check on me. Including Lupin.

He had came to apologize and to tell me at the end of this year, he will be leaving and not teaching again. I was upset but completely understood.

I walk into the common room and there wasn't a lot of people except for the main group I hang out with, along with Draco and Pansy. "There's our favorite Slytherin!" Blaise says, since he was the first one to see me. "But, Draco's right there." Pansy says. "Ew, no." Ember immediately says. She turns around to see me. "Val!" She yells and comes over and hugs me. "It's good to see you too." I tell her, laughing at her excitement. "I have lots to tell you!" She says and winks at me. "I can't wait." I say smiling.

We walk back over to the others. "oh, Val." Ember says to me. "Blaise and I were wondering if you'd like to spend summer with us?" She asks me. "Absolutely!" I tell her. "Yay!" She says squeezing me. "Merlin, Ember, you're gonna send her back to the hospital wing with that." I hear Theodore snark. I laugh at it. She let's go of me and sticks her tongue out at him. "Now that was mature, Em." Blaise says to his sister.

We all start laughing and just chatting along. This is definitely a good way to end this year.


*End of Year 3!*

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐲 ✧ 𝐇. 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now