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EVER SINCE THE NIGHT WITH HARRY AND I- in my dorm I haven't been able to think straight when I see him. Which has been a lot. Almost every night Harry and I will go into the library trying to find a way to get him through this task, alive.

"There's nothing Valerie! Absolutely nothing." He says, slamming down a book. "I'm a lost cause." He says, lying his head down, on the book he just slammed. I snap my head at him, and point my finger at him. "You are not a lost cause! I'm sure there is something. We just aren't thinking hard enough." I say, laying my head in my hand at the end.

Harry rolls his head up. "The task is in a few days and I'm completely lost! I'm sure no one else is having this much of trouble as I am." He says to me. I let out a sigh. He's right. I've heard from Ember and Danielle, that everyone else seems to have a thing they are planning to help them beat this task, even though they don't know what it is. And then there's Harry, who is still completely behind.

"We will figure something out. But now, we should head back to our dorm. You need as much rest leading up to the day before your task." I say, to him and I start putting away books.

Harry just nods his head. Knowing I am right. He helps me put up books, we both reach for the same book and as we do our hand touch each other, causing us both to snap our hands back and look at each other nervously.

He grabs the book again and puts it away, while I continue to stand there awkwardly. "Um... Goodnight, Val." He says, and walks by me but stops again. "Oh, I'm gonna tell the others what the task is tomorrow. "It only seems fair." He tells me and walks away before I can even agree.

This is going to be a long, next few months. I think to myself as I grab my bag and leave the library.


Up in a tree is Draco Malfoy as his goons and I are at the bottom. I'm talking to him about a class when one of his friends shout out. "There's Potter. Cheat." I snap my head and narrow my eyes at Crabbe. "Why so tense, Potter?" Draco asks, him still in the tree.

I roll my eyes at him and as I go to walk away, one of his goons grab me to keep me there. "My father and I have a bet, you see." Draco continues to talk, "I don't thin you're going to last ten minutes in this tournament." He jumps down out of the tree at the end of his sentence. I continue to try and get loose but it's no use. "He disagrees." Draco walks closer to Harry and his goons follow, pulling me with them. "He thinks you won't last five." Draco laughs, and his goons follow.

Harry storms closer to Draco. "I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy." He says, and pushes Draco back. I smirk as I see him stand up for himself. "He's vile and cruel. And you're just pathetic." Harry says to him, turning away.

Draco riled up and angry, pulls out his wand. "Harry!" I yell to save him from an unexpected spell casted at him. But as he turns around a spell hits Draco turning him into a ferret. I burst out laughing at seeing the white ferret that used to be Draco. 

Moody then starts walking over to Draco and using a spell to move Draco around. I laugh more. The goon that was holding me lets go, out of fear I assume. But I take the chance and run over to Harry, watching as Moody plays with the Ferret Malfoy.

McGonagall comes running over and asking Moody questions, that I am too interested in ferret Draco to listen to.

I watch as Moody puts Draco down Crabbe's Pants, and Goyle tries to grab him, only earning a bit on the finger. The ferret crawls out of Crabbe's pants. McGonagall turns Draco back, earnign a bunch of "Ahh's" from the students.

Draco turns around and flinches at the sight of Moody. "My father will hear about this!" Draco yells. "Is that a threat?" Moody asks, chasing him around the tree. Before Draco and his goons run off. 

McGonagall scolds Moody, and as she walks away he makes a face to her, earning a laugh from Harry and I. "You. Come with me." He says as he walks by Harry and I. We both start walking, following Moody. "Not you, Green. Only Harry." He tells me. I stop and nod.

Harry looks back at me and smiles, which I return before nodding at him to go on, which he does.

I let out a slow consent sigh as I watch Harry walk with Moody. A shiver runs down my spine as I think of the night I was walking back to my dorm from being with Hermione.

As I was thinking about someone calls my name earning me to snap my head up at them. "You all right?" A tall redheaded boy asks me. It's Fred. I can tell the two of them apart so well now. "Yeah, I'm fine!" I tell him ad we start walking. "What's up?" I ask him. "Oh, nothing. I just saw you space out and wanted to check on you." He says, poking my side, slightly.

I look up at him and smile. The twins have always made sure I was all right. No matter what. They always had a soft spot for me.

"I'm fine, Freddie. But thank you." I tell him. He nods his head. "Well, I have class. I'll catch you later Green." He says, to me nudging my shoulder. "See you later, Weasley." I say, pushing him away.

He laughs as he walks away, in the opposite direction.


I enter the common room to see Draco, Ember, Mattheo, and Blaise all sitting on the couch, in what seems to be a deep conversation. I walk over to them, Mattheo is the first to see me and he clears his throat earning everyone to jump and look at me. "Valerie!" Ember says, and hugs me. "What were you all talking about?" I ask, as I pull away from her. "Oh, nothing Important!" Mattheo answers.

I nod my head, not believing it was 'Nothing important,' but shrug it off. I sit down with Ember and we all talk, we haven't been able to in weeks since I've been busy helping Harry with his task.


𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐲 ✧ 𝐇. 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now