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EVER SINCE HARRY GOT PICKED,- for the Triwizard Tournament, I've made sure to keep a good eye on him. Unlike me, Ron has been very distant and not talking to Harry. I was walking in the hall and saw Ron. "Ron." I say stern, to get the boys attention.

He turns to me and his eyes widen. "What do you want, Valerie?" He asks, his voice cold. "Why are you being an ass to Harry?" I ask him. He chuckles and crosses his arms. Keeping the same cold tone he speaks again, "Because. He lied to me, and decided to put his name in the goblet. I'm surprised you are still speaking to him."

I look at him shocked. "I'm still speaking to him because I know him well enough, like I thought you did, to know he wouldn't want more glory." I spit at him. He steps back from me, in fear of me. "I do know him. That's why I know he would put his name in there. He's crazy enough for that." I look at him shocked after what he just said.

I go to grab my wand but shake my head. "You're not worth this. Or any of it. But know, you're a real big ass Ronald Weasley." I say to him, walking away from him. I am overwhelmed of feelings, mainly angry. I go to the first place I can think of. The Gryffindor Common room.


I get inside and go straight to Hermione and Danielle's room. I swing open the door, "Valerie? What is it?" They ask my concerned. "Ronald Weasley is a complete, ass!" I yell, slamming the door. "You're just now figuring this out?" Danielle asks me. "I'm not joking, Dani!" I snap at her. Which causes both Hermione and Danielle to jump.

They look at me scared. "Valerie. What's going on?" Hermione asks me, coming over to me. "I'm sick of how people are treating Harry! Like he wanted this to happen! When he didn't want any of this. Now I am here, trying to help him, while trying not to snap at everyone!" I yell.

Hermione and Danielle share a concerned look to each other before they both look at me. "How about a girls day? Tomorrow?" Danielle asks me. "Yes! I'll even skip classes for it." Hermione tells me.

I look at her shocked by what she just said. "No, guys. I'll be fine. Really." I try to reassure them. "Yeah. No... We are having this day, tomorrow." Hermione insists. "I'll tell Ember, later." Danielle tells me. "Why?" I ask her, "I can tell her when I get back to the dorm." I add.

Hermione and Danielle look at each other again. "Yeah, I'll be seeing her before you." She tells me. I look at her confused and before I can ask questions Dani speaks again. "We'll explain tomorrow." She tells me, getting up and coming over to me.

Hermione and Danielle wrap me in their arms. "You better not go to class." Hermione tells me. "Go to breakfast and then come back here. With Ember." Dani tells me. I nod to them.

They let go of me. "Now get back to your dorm before you get detention." Hermione tells me. I nod at her and leave.


I wake up later then normal, it's too late for breakfast so I fix my hair and head to Danielle's and Hermione's dorm.

As I am walking there I bump into Draco. "Hey. There you are..." He says to me, looking me up and down, "Why aren't you in your robes?" He asks me. "Um... the girls think it would be best for me to have a free day, so I'm headed to their dorm right now." I tell him.

He nods, "Well, enjoy your free day Valerie." He tells me and walks away before I can say anything else. I look back at him before I continue my way to the girls dorm.

When I get to their dorm I knock on the door and right after Hermione opens it. "Thank gods you're here. We were thinking you went to class." She tells me.

I step inside their dorm seeing pillows and blankets lied out on the ground with snacks. Ember and Dani are on one side talking and laughing. "No, I just over slept a bit." I tell her, looking back at her.

She gives me her same small smile. "Well, let's start this free day!" Hermione tells us all. Danielle and Ember cheer and I put on a smile.

I sit down next to Ember and she hugs me.

We all start talking and for once, in these past few weeks, my smile feels real.


Classes are over and we hear the Gryffindor common room filling up with noises. During our hangout Danielle and Ember tell me about their relationship that they've been in since the picking of the champions.

I felt guilty for not realizing both of my best friends being in a relationship but they reassure me it was all right since they made it to where no one knew or could even pick up on it.

As I was about to leave their was a knock on the door. I get up and answer it and it's Ron. "Hermione." He says walking inside, pass me. "Well, I'm going to go. Thanks for the day girls." I tell them and leave.

I am walking through the Gryffindor common room when two tall boys stand in front of me. "Princess!" One of them speak. "Long time no see." The other says. "Fred, George!" I say to the boy in front of me, hugging them both.

They let go and both grab one of my arms and drag me over to the couch. "Why haven't we seen you around much?" Fred asks me. "I'm not sure. I've just been busy." I tell them. George pouts, "And you haven't made anytime for us?" He asks me.

I chuckle at the boys pout. "I promise you both, when I have time, I will come find the both of you and spend time with you both." I look between them. George's pout changes quickly into a smile. "We knew you had a soft spot for us." He tells me.

Fred looks behind us, "Speaking of you having a soft spot..." Fred says.

I furrow my brows and before I can speak the person behind us speaks. "Fred, George... Valley?" I stand up and look at the boy. "Harry!" I say to him. "What are you doing here?" He asks me, walking around to me. "Oh, I had a girls day with Hermione, Dani, and Ember..." I tell him, and he looks at the twins behind me. "Then as I was leaving I bumped into the twins and we started speaking." I tell him.

He nods. "Um..." He looks at the boys then at me. "Well, I'll see you later Val." He tells me. I nod to him and walk out of the common room.

As I am walking back to the Slytherin common room I stop when I hear something in a distance.

I slowly follow the noise and when I get to the corner I peer around and see Mad-eye Moody going through a closet.

I watch as he is looking around but when he stops I hid behind the wall. "I know you are there, Ms. Green." I hold my breath and sneak back into a dark space near by as I hear him start to walk towards me.

When I get into the spot Moody is right outside the space. He looks around and I swear we make eye contact. He huffs and walks away. I let out a shaky breath before hurrying to my dorm.


𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐲 ✧ 𝐇. 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now