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LEANING AGAINST A TREE NEXT- to Harry, while Neville is in the black lake. "oh, Valley." Harry says, getting my attention. "I spoke to your dad. He was wanting me to tell you that he loves and misses you." He tells me.

After Harry tells me that my lips press into a smile. "I'll have to write him again. I really do miss him." I tell him. He laughs a bit. "Amazing." Neville says to himself out loud. "Neville." I say getting the boys attention. "You're doing it again." Harry tells him. "Oh. Right, sorry." Neville says to us.

Harry looks back down at the paper in his hand, "'Magical Water Plants of the Highland Locks?'" Harry asks as he reads what's on the paper. "Moody gave it to me." Neville tells him.

I jump at the mention of Moody, thinking of the night I saw him sneaking in the closet. There's something up with that man...

"That- That day we had tea." Neville finishes his sentence and waves at someone. Me and Harry look around the tree. "Look, it's already been through enough people. Why don't you go talk to him yourself?" Hermione whispers to Ron as they walk down to where we are. "Ron, this is your problem, not mine." Hermione says to the boy.

Me and Harry stand up, meeting the three half way. "What do you want me to say again?" She whispers to the boy, but we can still hear her. Ron whispers something that we actually can't hear.

Hermione walks over to us. "Ronald would like me to tell you, that Seamus told him, that Dean was told by Parvati, that Hagrid's looking for you." Hermione tells Harry. "Is that right?" He asks her, "Well, y-" He pauses and looks at me then back at Hermione, "What?" He asks.

Hermione looks back at Ron and walks over to him and whisper then walks back to us. "Dean was... told by Parvati that..." She starts to say again but stops. "Please don't ask me to say it again. Hagrid's looking for you." She tells him and turns around. "Well, you can tell Ronald-" Harry starts to say.

Hermione turns around and snaps. "I'm not an owl!" She turns back around and the three of them walk off. Before Ginny is gone she turns around and waves at me, which I return.

I look at Harry confused at what just happened and he shows me the same confused look followed by a shrug.

I laugh a little at the situation and go back to where me and Harry were sitting. "What do you think Hagrid has to speak to you about?" I ask him.

He walks over and sits back down, "I have no clue, but whatever it is, I will tell you first." He tells me. I smile at him, "I'm good with that." I tell him. "I should probably go find Hagrid now. I'll find you later." He says and stands up. "Okay, let me know what happens." I tell him. He nods and leaves.

I watch as he leaves and turn back to look out at the lake. "You two are cute." Neville tells me. I look at him confused, "What?" I ask him. "You two are cute. I mean you two are together, right?" He asks me. I laugh a little. "Oh... No, we aren't." I tell him. He tilts his head and nods.

I shake my head at Neville and smile to myself. He thinks we are together.


Just as I open my potions book someone barges into my room. "Val!" A distressed Harry yells, as he slams my door. "Harry! It's past curfew, what are you doing?" I ask him, concerned and confused. "Dragons." He says. A puzzle look grows on my face and before I can ask what, he explains, "The first task is dragons. I have to fight a dragon." He says, falling back on my bed.

I can't help but for my mouth to fly open. "What?" I ask, not wanting to believe what he said is true. "You're barking... It can't be." I say to him, shaking my head. "He sits up in my bed and watches me. "It is, that's what Hagrid had to show me." He affirms to me.

I stand up and pace around my room, trying to think. "Oh, there's something else..." Harry says to me. I stop pacing and look at him, "What?" I ask. "Ron told me I shouldn't tell you, but, I trust you... But before the World Cup, I had a dream. A dream of Voldemort." As he tells me that small thing shivers run down my spine.

I walk over to him, and sit next to him. "It was of a caregiver, of a home he was in, but it wasn't only him, it was him, Wormtail, and some other death eater. He said something about collecting me..." He says, and takes a deep breath. I can't help but place my hand on him hand, rubbing my thumb up and down the back on his hand.

His eyes glace at it before looking back up at me. "I'm scared, Vallie. I shouldn't admit it but I am." He confronts to me. "You would be a fool if you weren't Harry. But you have me, Hermione, and Ron. Even though Ron is being an ass right now." I say to him, his lips crack a small smile after what I call Ron. "You're right. Thank you Val." He says, looking me into my eyes.

We stare at each other for what feels like minutes before he breaks it and clears his throat. "I should go." He says, standing up. I stand up after him, nodding my head. "Probably." I say, walking over to my door and opening it for him.

He walks over to me, and stops. "Thank you again, Val." He says to me. I nod my head. The next thing I know I am wrapped into a hug.

His arms were tight around my waist, but not too tight, just the right amount. His embrace was warm and comforting. He smelt of citrus and woods.

He finally lets go and just looks at me. "Bye, Vallie." He says before slipping away out of my door.

I stand there for a second before looking out my door to see that the boy is already gone. What just happened?


𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐲 ✧ 𝐇. 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now