Chapter 19 ( The boy is mine)

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Jungkook's pov:

I was on the balcony sipping some alcohol. Jimin is in deep sleep.

I saw my babydoll sleeping without any tension. When I am here getting tensed by Taehyung. He will soon find us and I can't kill him atleast infront of jimin. I have successfully manipulated jimin. But how long, how long will this go, how long will I keep hide him. The answer is forever. If I have to make him forever mine then I will have to do this. My biggest enemy is Taehyung now. I have to kill that motherfucker. He wanna snatch my doll, my babydoll.

The boy is freaking mine. I am not gonna let him go. Even If I have to die, we will live together. I won't let him live happily without me. They say, when you love someone you sometime let go them as they want their happiness and you want them to be happy because their lover's happiness is their happiness.

But sorry babydoll I am not a lover. I am a stalker. I am obsessed with you and I will make sure you be with me for the rest of your life. I will make sure of that.

Suddenly a call came, I picked it up and smirked as I just wanted hear his voice.

Hi there yoongi, I smirked while saying.

What's up jk? Yoongi said calmly yet powerfully.

Are you hiding somewhere safe? The police is searching for us and Taehyung that fucking bastard called my jimin. Show him something yoongi. What are you even waiting for? I was pissed and voice expressed it.

Wait for the right time jungkook and Don't talk about him like that you know I love him. Don't worry I will manipulate him and make him my puppet again.

I heard some footsteps and I said,Bye. I Quickly hanged the call and started to slowly drink the alcohol. Suddenly someone hugged me from behind. He was running his hands on my naked chest as I was only wearing pants. I turned to him and said, Why are you awake, you were so tired, you should get some sleep.

He sighed and said jungkook I was trying to be romantic but you ruin this now turn around and say your line ok? I chuckled and said, Fine babydoll only if you want.

Jimin's pov:

I said, Guees Who I AM? He turned to me and pulled me on him. Oour lips were few inches apart. We could feel our hot breath on ourselves. It was like time stopped and the only two of us existed. My cheeks were burning and I was blushing hard. I was looking at his mole under his lips guessing how many times I kissed it, how many times I kissed his kiss, how many times we made love.

Jungkook said, What's up babydoll? He have me smug look.
I chuckled and said, What's up Sex God?

We laughed and he said, So are you satisfied. I said, yepl totally. He kissed my forehead and said, Good, It's my duty to make you happy.

Jimin I wanna give you something. He said.
Like what? I asked confusedly.

He put out a box and there was a beautiful ring which had my first letter of my name. "J" I stuttered jungkook what is this. He smiled and said this is a promise ring. I know I should have propose to you but I want to take some time you know? So here is a gift from me to you. I hope you accept it jimin. Tears were rolling out of my eyes. I manage to say yes between my tears and sobs. He wore me the ring and kissed on it.

Remember jimin no one can torn us apart, not even death. With that say he crashed his lips to mine. We started kiss for long minute then broke. I said, Thank you jungkook you mean a lot to me, even if you are my stalker. I can't help but fall in love with you. I love you because The heart wants what it wants. He kisssed me and said he loved me too.

Jungkook's pov:

After that we slept again cause we were feeling tired as it was only 5 am. Jimin and I cuddled with eachother. I could see how Taehyung was getting to us. I am scared I never ever admit it but I am afraid jimin will not love me and we Won't be together.

After sometimes I slept and jimin was already in sleep.

Time skip:
(In the afternoon)

We woke up and wanted to go to a peaceful place and a open place as we wanted some fresh air and clean our mind. We reached the place. It was beautiful. I looked at the place it was beautiful. We were at beautiful park and there weren’t many people.

I told jimin to enjoy the view while I took out our food basket which planned. It took 5-6 minutes. I put a clothes on the grass so we can sat there. It was a small picnic. We spent 1 hour in there and It was getting cold outside. I said, babydoll Let's go It's getting cold. Jimin nervously said, jk I wanna sit there dow few more minutes. I nodded without hesitation. Why Do I feel like he is hiding something from me.

Suddenly U heard a scream. Jimin!!!!

I stood up and got around. Fuck Taehyung. How did he get here. He was getting closer to us. I saw Yoongi's msg 10 minutes ago. He texted me several time Tae is coming to you and he know where are you. Shit I guess Love makes us really weak and blind but he doesn’t know who I am and what I am capable of.

Jimin got up after I stood up. He was tearing up. I chuckled darkly and said, I liked you gift baby doll. I am happy that you want me have a toy to play with. I gritted my teeth and said, I will handle you later doll. I grabbed his jaw tightly while saying that. Taehyung tried to help jimin out of my grip and finally I release him. Jimin touch his jaw and by now I am sure It's hurting him but not more than my heart. He betrayed my but don't know he dig up his own grave.

I knew yoongi was in his way. So what do I need to do is kill Taehyung right now. Then I will handly my bitch. As respectfully ever.

Taehyung gritted his teeth in anger and said, Why are you doing this jungkook. It's not a love, It's a obsession. You don’t love him. I shouted Don't you fucking dare to question my love for my babydoll. He scoffed and said, Look at you as pathetic lier, you are a psycho and I think you are mentally ill because not healthy people can do this.

Enough of his shit. I pointed the gun to his head. So sorry Taehyung but your words are hurting me you know I only love jimin. I said sweetly and he got afraid. He said, jungkook Don't you dare pull the trigger. If you shoot jimin gonna be hit by it. But suddenly I was shot by a police office. He shot on my hand as my gun fell down from my hands. I looked at jimin as my tears were flowing. I fell into my knees and fainted.

I only heard jimin screaming. I murmered too bad too sad. I smirked as I was crying. I saw yoongi shooting his gun on Taehyung, hitting him on the back. I knew it was hard for him but what can he do and what can I? I smirked as he relaised why was I smirking. I quickly got hospitalized with Taehyung. I know I was about to get jail or life sentence.

Jimin was with me on the ambulance. He constantly said It's all his afraid, if he Didn't call tae, if he saved me from getting the bullet. My tears were flowing down. I guess people Don't lie when they say love makes us feel butterflies but at the same time also numb. It feels like black and blue.

Now you might call me crazy but I know he will fight for me and I know my chapters of my life isn't finished. I didn’t lost because I am not dead. If I am dead then it will mean I have lost.

"The thing is Jeon Jungkook can lost battles not war."

"I will win anyhow and anyway and I fucking know he will be on my side because love makes us crazy just like my love to jimin. So fucking crazy."


{Jun-jungkook I am sorry please forgive me.
Don't show your face to me. Be happy like you have been in these years.
My tears were streaming down my cheeks.}

*You are mine jeon Jungkook. And I am as sick as you.*


"The boy is mine," jungkook muttered to Taehyung."
Before fainting on the ground

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