Chapter 10

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Looking at the email inside of my inbox, I cursed under my breath.

Walking in, Levi brought me my lunch and evening coffee.

"You didn't have to do that."

"You've been looking at the same screen the past hour." He sat down my food where it was out of the way of the many pieces of paperwork spread across my desk. "What is it." Levi stepped behind my desk.

"Just another client who thinks that can beat me in my own damn business."

He looked over and read the email on my desktop. But right next to it was a text going back and forth between my lawyer.

"Well by the looks of it, you have it handled."

"I never said I didn't"

"Just the kind of woman I love." The both of us looked to the door. Standing there was Hayes.

"Hayes..." I spoke a little surprised. He didn't text or anything as a heads up. He just showed up.. but why. "I didn't know you were coming today." I looked at the clock. It was only 11:40. "And don't-"

"Don't you have something else to do." Levi interrupted me.

"If you mean your boss then sure." For some reason it didn't click until a few seconds later. I had to hold back the smile that wanted to take over my face.

"You little-"

"Levi, come on, you guys should get along at this point." As I turned and looked at my computer, Levi looked at me like I just cursed his blood line or something.

"Get along with him..."

"...yeah." I looked at him and held eye contact with him as if we were having a silent argument with each other.

As Levi started to get upset, balling his fist, Hayes walked beside me from the other side of my desk. Walking from behind me, his hand dragged from the back of my chair to the back of my neck.

His touch was so smooth. As his hand moved past my hair and dragged across my skin, his ring and pinkie finger brushed past my jewelry while his thumb rubbed back and forth at the nape of my neck.

I don't know why or how, but the feeling this made me melt in a way I felt like I might regret.

"If my princess agrees. I don't see why we can't get to know each other more."

Taking a deep breath as his voice snaps me out of whatever trance he put me under, I looked at Levi who was now livid. He stood there so pissed off that if possible, steam would blow out of his ears.

Looking up at Hayes, he had a smirk on his face holding his gaze on Levi until turning his head to face mine. He didn't hesitate in scanning my face looking at my lips and back to my eyes.

"What do you say baby." He spoke seductively knowing what he was doing to me. This angle, that look on his face, let alone the fresh haircut that I had yet noticed until now. And.. an eyebrow piercing... seeing this I couldn't help but look for more. Hooped spider bites... since when-

"Princess." He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "You don't want this asshat to lash out, do you."

Chills ran down my body. I cleared my throat and closed my eyes while readjusting in my seat, crossing my legs.

"You both should spend time getting to know each other." I looked at Levi but he was just staring at Hayes like he wanted to pop his head off in the middle of my office. "Levi." I spoke directly towards him and stared him down until he looked at me. In that time, Hayes adjusted his stance and put his hand in his pocket. I assumed it was because he'd gotten me to agree with him, but at this point he was right. "It wouldn't hurt to at all. You both should go to lunch or something."

"I'm not doing that. I don't have the time-."

"For me. You always have time for your boss don't you?" I gave him a light smile and turned my seat around continuing what I had to do. As I turned, Hayes's hand let go of my neck while the room grew silent.

"I don't hear feet walking." As I sent an email on my computer, I looked in the reflection on my screen to see Hayes biting his lip while looking at the back of my head with his eyes dragging to my waist as if he could see through my chair.

"Hayes. Baby I don't see you moving." I got his attention where his eyes met mine in the reflection. He walked off finally, but not without a scoff and a smirk at the side of his mouth.

"Where to." Levi didn't answer. Instead he just stared at me until I turned to look at him over my shoulder. Not a word had to be spoken before he got the message and trailed Hayes out of the room.

"Seriously. What is wrong with him?"



Word count: 827

Sorry this is more of a shorter chapter but we promise that the next chapter would be a bit more....entertaining.

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