Chapter 12

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Hayes slowly turned my chair around. We held eye contact as my stomach filled with butterflies. And when he moved, he moved fast picking me up from my chair, kicking it out the way and placing me on the desk. His hands lifted my knees to hold him still while his lips smashed against mine.

The feeling he made rush through me, the same feeling from last night, came to me again as he pushed his hips into mine.

As one hand planted itself on my desk, the other held onto my thigh.

~why do you make me feel this way~

The way he kissed me felt like I was feeding an addiction he was craving to get back to. His tongue pushed past my lips, and by the feel of his hips grinding against mine, something else of his wanted to do the same to mine.

"Seem so eager."

"I don't see how I couldn't. You're everything I need and more." We shared a smile as he started to undo my pants, but was interrupted when Levi barged his way in, making a scene.

"Hey Aria here's your lun- what the fuck!!"

I turned my head and saw him just standing there holding my food and looking at us surprised. "Why does it feel like everytime I walk into your office you are wrapped around this should have been miscarriage."


"I don't think there's anything you could do or say to justify-"

I turned back around quickly and buttoned my pants back up. "Well you could've knocked." I hopped down from my desk and looked at Hayes wishing this moment didn't end so fast. He looked back at me and his eyes were just staring at my lips.

"Planning to have sex with this bum? Let alone on your desk, at work?!"

"Why don't you do something right for once and leave. And don't forget to close the door for us." He pulled me back but I pulled his hands away. He was right, what's gotten into me.

"I.. think you should go."

"You heard her." Levi walked closer to the both of us ready to pull Hayes away from my side.

"Both of you."

"Aria what-"


"I mean it really... I need to think just..." I rubbed my head and sat in my chair. But they just stood there.

"Now." Irritated and embarrassed, I spoke again which is when Hayes mumbled something in Korean before shoving Levi along, out of the room. I watched as Hayes closed the door to continue whatever argument Levi started up again.

Laying my head on my desk, I groaned before trying to wrap my head around what just happened.

"There's no way I almost gave it up to him like that. Twice! Hot or not, I barely know him... and what if Levi is right this time, that Hayes can't be trusted because he's a criminal. Buying illegal weapons that aren't on my website.... but wouldn't that make me a criminal for selling them to him in the first place."

I sat up and rubbed my face while sitting back in my seat. "But he's not like the other men I sell to." I looked up at the ceiling thinking, but a huge frustration washed over my mind. "Why can't I remember him... why can't I understand why I want him. It doesn't make any sense. He's a stranger. But he feels like someone I should be happy with. Someone I was happy with?"

Sitting in my chair for hours, I had too many questions. Until something Levi mentioned before during one of his rants popped into mind.

Unlocking my computer, I brought up the website he usually uses to build cases against any new buyers, to ensure any of them turn out to either be cops or someone we can't have our extended inventory exposed to.

Hayes Tae

I typed into the database including his description.

But upon pushing enter...

"What the hell."

Information Unknown

I did it again. "Maybe I misspelled it."

I retyped it again and again. But nothing. Until I left out his name and only used his description.

That's when my heart fell down to my feet. Only sightings were on his record. Nothing. I should be glad to see that there's nothing but.. that's impossible. He's a criminal, he wasn't against that title. And meeting up to discuss the selling guns... all the talk about his business!!

"This can't be right."

I looked over and over and over, but nothing. Everywhere I looked.. until I survived his last name. A family popped up.

Looking deeper, the father's hands were filthier than a rat. Multiple felines, but they all were old and all only accused. Seen by officers who state that he's there to sell illegal drugs or included in mob/ mafia level crimes.

"A Mafia?" I looked at the picture of Hayes and started to think. "He's not..."

~but it checks out~ I couldn't help wondering if he is just using me to be able to get ahold of my weapons and supplies. That explains why he wanted to start fake dating in the first place and why he all of a sudden didn't need any of the supplies.

"Fucking hell Aria." I laid against my desk and rested my head in my hands not knowing what to think about anything anymore.

For what felt like an hour was only a couple of minutes until I got up and packed my stuff before walking out of my office and to my car.

I told Marissa, the lady at the front desk, to let Levi know that I went home early. I got in my car and drove home trying not to think about the whole situation right now.

Getting out of my car I walked up to my door and walked into my house. I kicked my shoes off and went upstairs and just layed in bed, thinking.

~if this whole mafia thing is true, all ties have to be cut.. feelings or not, I can't get caught up in this type of thing. I only kissed him.. nothing more.~

"At Least that's one thing I've done right."

Watching my ceiling, I took a deep breath before picking up my phone. Looking at the Lock Screen, I couldn't help but cave at least a little.

"He's just so..." I sighed unable to make a decision. Thinking about the kiss earlier, the way he held onto me and spoke to me... but if I do recall..

" 'all he needs and ever will need?' It was so obvious." I scoffed and shook my head.

Unlocking my phone, I couldn't help but think about the kiss again. This kiss had something different, a tongue piercing that surely wasn't there last night.

"I'm sure I would have remembered that." Shaking my head to get out of it, I clicked through to his contact, scrolled down to the block button and just before I could lay my finger on it, he called.


Word Count: 1135

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